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US Politics: Guns versus Butter


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7 minutes ago, Walter the Singing Wildcat said:

Yeah, where people pounce at the slightest sign someone is only 90% with the narrative.  plus ad homenims, accusations of bad faith, "this isn't tough," that's all mobbing.

Dude. You're arguing with two people. Who usually argue with each other. You're not being mobbed. Climb off the cross.


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The ad hominem I meant towards Week not larry on the really nasty "can't wait for your nuanced takes" but was lumping them together as per the "mobbing," so sorry for the confusion there.  not sure that's technically an ad hominem either, but same spirit.

I feel badly that so many posts in a row are all about this now, but seriously, what did I say that led to this flurry?  Just that it really looks like tons of people of color will indeed not get their property replaced at all.  And that's a thing one can't say I guess.  

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20 minutes ago, larrytheimp said:

Please cult members save me from the deprogramming if you're out there

I would love to save you larry but you're just too far gone. :crying:

eta- not worth a new post to continue to pollute with this nonsense, but I had to laugh

21 minutes ago, Walter the Singing Wildcat said:

The ad hominem I meant towards Week not larry on the really nasty "can't wait for your nuanced takes" but was lumping them together as per the "mobbing," so sorry for the confusion there.  not sure that's technically an ad hominem either, but same spirit.

So nasty. QQ

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36 minutes ago, Week said:

1619 lady".

As there was no reference whatsoever to Virginia, the White Lion or 1619, much less the 1619 Project in that article perhaps someone can tell us what that guy who yelled 1619 lady is going on about. :read:  Is it that any mention of protest and BLM makes him think 1619, and that's about as much as the OP knows about any of them?


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1 hour ago, DanteGabriel said:

Dude. You're arguing with two people. Who usually argue with each other. You're not being mobbed. Climb off the cross.


I certainly didn't mean that I'm kind of victim or martyr as you imply here with the mobbing comment I'd made earlier.

The concept of mobbing is that if people break certain orthodoxy the mobbers will try to make it costly for that person regardless of the person's reaction to it.  No doubt some of the mobbed have cried victim, so I get it.  But the concept is more the style of posting and not the number of people doing it.  But now we've arguably got four and not two mobbers.

@Zorral- Surely you understood where it call came from which was NHJ's "property can be replaced" line repeated by larry and kind of adjacent to her "it would be an honor" line about if some of the 2020 activities were known as the 1619 riots.  The article was about insurance cos and property damage from that period.  Also, "yelled?"  As distasteful as my presence here appears to be I don't think my style is loud.

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3 minutes ago, Chataya de Fleury said:

Am I perhaps the only one who just totally got lost with the last two pages of this thread??

I decided to take a break for awhile, but I'm back now.

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2 hours ago, Walter the Singing Wildcat said:

Surely you understood where it call came from

1619 has real historical significance to any historian of the North American colonies, about which I know a very very VERY great deal. Haven't a clue as to your take here. There were no riots when the first slaves sold on the soil of Virginia.  I am very well informed as to life in these here United States at this time, and never once anywhere in the media have '1619' riots been evoked.  Unless you mean the white supremacist genocide massacres that have been going on for 4 centuries here?

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3 hours ago, Walter the Singing Wildcat said:

Right, it was only front doors and windows.  

Y'all get to the mobbing quick here don't you?  

ETA:  @Week I know her name, NHJ.  The fact that you think a quick post on a message board signals anything says more about you.  Read her reparations piece and more.

Okay, I’m gonna help you out here. I haven’t heard of you so I’m gonna assume you also don’t know me. I’m a person of color and I live in Minneapolis just a few blocks off Lake Street. All that stuff you saw on the news was in my neighborhood. VERY few small businesses had more than doors and windows broken. I know this because I was part of the neighborhood effort to help board those businesses up, and part of the block watch that was out at night. If you watch the videos of “Umbrella Man” it’s clear that he was not at all part of the movement for black lives, he was there to agitate. Protestors clearly tried to stop him, and tried to film him so he could be identified. That was the first window broken by anything other than police nonlethals- though there were two whole days of the cops breaking business windows and bus shelters with tear gas canisters, rubber bullets, and bean bag rounds before there was ANYTHING but peaceful protests where the cops sprayed so much tear gas my phone was texting me air quality warnings from the apple weather app. I saw all of this with my own eyes.

The second building that got broken into was the Target store. This initially was done by protestors- but it was because there were probably about a thousand people who got tear gassed in front of the precinct and supplies were needed to treat the tear gas. I know this because I went down there after seeing things had escalated on the Unicorn Riot live stream since I live close by. As soon as I walked up I was asked if I had been tear gassed and directed to the loading dock where they’d brought all of the milk and gallon jugs of water from the Target store and medics were treating people. The cops were nowhere in sight but there was so much tear gas just hanging in the air my lips hurt through an N95 mask and I threw up in the shower when I got home. There were large items in shopping carts that had been brought out to use as shields for rubber bullets. 

In my neighborhood, most of what got looted or burned were large chain businesses- Target, Walgreens, all the Autozones, the cell phone carriers, the Timberland store. The only real exception were liquor stores, for obvious reasons. And the vast majority of the people I saw doing these things were not protestors or activists. Those people went home because most of the organized actions were happening at daytime, or were concentrated outside of the police precincts and Derek Chauvin’s house in the suburbs. Many were patrolling their neighborhoods trying to maintain safety or offer first aid. The Black Panthers were patrolling, the AIM were patrolling, and we had block watches that I was on. After curfew, I saw a lot of protestors, but I also saw TONS of militia types, boogaloo boys, and proud boys. I saw WAY more out of state plates that week than we saw here on Super Bowl week. Tons and tons of people were here who were not from anywhere near here. The Kenosha shooter was here that week, before he committed his murders, and there were MANY like him. Some that my neighbors and I had to chase off our block.

There is just a growing and scary segment of people who think a civil war is inevitable and they want to push it along if they can. And other than that Target store and the 3rd precinct itself- I think most of the destruction of property was people trying to do that and poor people who had been out of work for months due to Covid who couldn’t afford to pass up the opportunity presented by looting. 

Those of us who say property and be replaced, people can’t don’t mean that property damage is awesome. We mean that it’s a small issue compared to these police lynchings and a small issue compared to the economic hardship put on people in poor urban areas (largely BIPOC) but wealth inequality. And we are also recognizing that no great social change has ever been achieved in this country absent of rioting. People won the vote, won the right to organize, ended segregation under these conditions. While it is a great tragedy our society requires such a thing to relinquish any modicum of power- it is naive to ignore that it doesn’t happen if the holders of power think they will only ever be asked nicely.

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