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First still of the Enterprise from "Star Trek"


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That was... horrible.

I swear, they have some sort of simple computer program for writing the lines that end up going into Hollywood trailers. Why is *every* single action movie trailer made to be a succession of FX shots interwoven with one-liners with the sophistication of porn dialogue?

"You will experience fear...! Fear in the face of certain death!"

"I've been waiting for this day my whole life! This day of reckoning!"

"You are capable of deciding your own destiny. The question is... which path will you choose?"


Coupled with the completely ridiculous music, that's gotta be the most self-important 2 minutes of video I've seen.

Preach it, brother!

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  • 4 weeks later...
So the Australian premiere and an Austin premiere happened recently and the reviews coming back are extremely positive from what I've read.

Aintitcool has loads of reviews up, both from Australia and Austin if anyone is interested.

The best thing about the Aint it Cool reviews is the story.

They were gathered in Austin, Texas to watch Wrath of Khan with a 10 minute preview of the new movie, hosted by the producers and writers. During the opening credits, the film "burned" and broke. Damon Lindelof (script writer and also head writer on Lost) got up while they were fixing the film. "Anyone want to know what the monster is?" Then some guy walked up behind him and asked, "Why are you showing them 10 minutes of the new film?" What Lenard Nimoy wants, he gets, and they showed the new film to the audience.

That story reminds me of how they premiered Gone With the Wind for the first time before an audience.

Honestly, I was indifferent to the film until the reviews came out (I only read the spoiler free ones). Sounds like they got a good movie there. But then, I'm a fan of every JJ has done since Alias, and Damon has been doing great things on Lost.

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SFX gave it the 5-star treatment here.

Spoiler, although if you've been following things you'll know this already:

SPOILER: Star Trek
Eric Bana's time-travelling villain's machinations creates a new timeline which apparently coexists with the old one, so think of this as Ultimates Star Trek with a nod and wink to the existing timeline as well. That doesn't explain why the Enterprise looks different or where Captain April has disappeared to but WTF just go with it.

The review says Pine is good as Kirk but is outshone a bit by Quinto (as expected) and by Urban, who apparently is a major surprise as McCoy.

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I just watched two film clips from the movie.



I agree about Urban, I think he captured McCoy perfectly. I'm not sold on Pine. Its only one scene, but I'm not impressed by his acting, or by the scene itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I though Sulu looked familiar in the trailers...and I just realized it's the actor who plays Harold in "Harold and Kumar"! Now I am more excited about this movie than ever. But if Sulu lights up on the bridge of the Enterprise it might just take me out of the movie.

Also, isnt John Cho Korean while Takei was Japanese as was Sulu?

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More reviews coming out.


I had never seen any of the prior "Star Trek" films or television series. I knew little more than the fact that it's all about a bunch of people flying a spaceship called the Enterprise, that Leonard Nimoy played an extraterrestrial named Spock who had funny ears and liked to say "Live long and prosper," and that the Klingon language has such a rabid following that the Bible has been translated into it...

So here is my verdict: This movie is awesome.

The new "Star Trek" film is less an homage to a legendary science fiction franchise than to storytelling in general, back through decades of cinema and television and beyond.

I saw another good review earlier today, though unfortunately I don't remember where. As someone who was never really into Trek (I know, I know, I'm losing my geek cred here), this sounds promising.

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I love the fact that JJ Abrams has made a movie that can appeal to a wide range of audience, not just Trekkies or Sci-Fi geeks. I can't stand to watch more than a few minutes of the original Trek (though I went through a stage of watching TNG every chance I could in the mid-90s), but I've watched the International trailer at least eight times. This movie will rock.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love the fact that JJ Abrams has made a movie that can appeal to a wide range of audience, not just Trekkies or Sci-Fi geeks. I can't stand to watch more than a few minutes of the original Trek (though I went through a stage of watching TNG every chance I could in the mid-90s), but I've watched the International trailer at least eight times. This movie will rock.

Exactly. I hated all Star Trek all my life. I thought is was cheesy, poor special effects, lame storylines and characters, etc. But I'll be honest some of these trailers have made me want to see this movie. And made me want to see it bad.

I've always hated Spock, but seeing him in these clips makes me miss him. Even though I'm pretty sure I never watched a whole movie/episode with the Spock character in it. This movie looks like it'll be great. I can't wait. I'm a sucker for good music though and one of those trailers has a pretty good theme to it.

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I like this blurb that shows up onscreen about a minute and a half in:



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That is one of the funniest things I've ever clicked on - all the more so because it was so true. The clip of Kirk battling the Gorn was... what's the word.... craptastic? I'm sure Xray could think of something.

I'd erased Star Trek movies from my viewing list just for reasons such as the one they gave about the ambassadors and heads of state debating at a conference table. This one I'll watch. It looks damn entertaining.

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I have never watched a full episode or movie of Star Trek, however I do think this movie looks interesting, albeit a little cheesy. The guy playing Kirk looks like a douche in the previews.

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