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Jed o' Tarth

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I'm kind of shocked at the absence of universal condemnation of this episode. After seeing nearly every character succumb to utter stupidity as a means of plot advancement, I almost feel dumber myself for having watched it. I guess you can say that some of it is in character now, but don't any of these fuckers grow and learn from their past idiocies?

Claire, so you hear about a company that deals with people with powers and decide to give it a look. I'm sure nothing bad has EVER come from mutant related companies. Seems so safe, might as well not tell the one guy who might actually know something about the company, whether they're good or bad, how dangerous they may be, and who might actually be in a position to help you if things went south. (Although he'd probably tell you what every intelligent viewer would tell you, don't fucking go.)

Mohinder, it used to take an episode or two of convincing before you'd start working with the bad guys. Now you're whoring yourself out at the drop of the hat. You're regressing man. And your serial stupidity is getting annoying.

Sylar, I'll keep an open mind. Even by Heroes writers standards, you were just a bit too easy to manipulate there. We'll assume its a con until shown otherwise. But if its genuine, you just might have enough flip-flops to have a Senate career. Not to mention being gullible as fuck and having the loyalty of a tadpole.

So Matt...an evil company sends a girl to kill you and you don't read her mind at any point? Yeah I get that she's kinda cute and you've seen some neat, prophetic paintings...but seriously man, you've got one tool. Use it. I don't care if it's inconvenient to the plot.

Second the realistic dialog for the Peter/Daddy meet. Its not that hard to write this shit. Just ask how a normal person might react in that situation. I'm guessing the 'Dad your alive/why'd you lie to us/what are you doing and why are you doing it's' just MIGHT come before the 'I'll STOP YOU SUPERVILLAIN!'.

I might have missed a few. feel free to add your own.
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[quote name='EHK for Obama' post='1571147' date='Oct 29 2008, 06.37']I might have missed a few. feel free to add your own.[/quote]I'm not really a fan of Kristen Bell electrocuting herself. Maybe when she shoots it, the electricity never actually touches her hand, but just seems odd. We've seen that Meredith is immune to fire (so shouldn't Tracey be immune to the cold...so is she hot all the time or her body temperature never drops or...). That is great for Claire that Elle's electricity doesn't *hurt* Claire, but shouldn't her muscles still be spasming?

I'm having a hard time justifying wasting 40-whatever minutes on this weekly...again...
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[quote name='EHK for Obama' post='1571147' date='Oct 29 2008, 06.37']I'm kind of shocked at the absence of universal condemnation of this episode.[/quote]

I was just waiting for you to summarize it for me. Husband and I got in a little tiff during this episode actually, whereby I agreed to at least wait until the episode is over before ripping on it. I thought that was the the only enjoyable thing about watching it? Plus, I'm going to need a notepad.

I liked the first episode enough, but it was all over for me when they dispatched Adam with such little fanfare. Although, as mentioned earlier in this thread, I'm sure everyone will get their powers back when Arthur dies, which probably means Adam will resurrect, since the only [i]real[/i] steadfast rule on Heroes is that nobody actually dies. Ever.

(With a corollary - someone must [i]appear[/i] to die before a commercial break every episode)
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[quote name='Weekapaug' post='1571158' date='Oct 29 2008, 06.55']I'm not really a fan of Kristen Bell electrocuting herself. Maybe when she shoots it, the electricity never actually touches her hand, but just seems odd. We've seen that Meredith is immune to fire (so shouldn't Tracey be immune to the cold...so is she hot all the time or her body temperature never drops or...). That is great for Claire that Elle's electricity doesn't *hurt* Claire, but shouldn't her muscles still be spasming?

I'm having a hard time justifying wasting 40-whatever minutes on this weekly...again...[/quote]

I was wondering where all that electricity Sara Marshall sent into Claire went. doesn't electricity have to actually go somewhere? Likely am forgetting my Grade 5 science though.

This episode was.....dreadful even by my it's so bad it's half decent standards, I just hadn't watched it till last night. Sylar's trick is retarded, Mr. P can read minds yo!

Who needs this formula anyways? Apparently future painting powers can be gained by eating paste and shit together, so shouldn't there be a way of getting all powers like that?
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How many high-fives do you think the writing crew exchanged when they put Nathan's baby-mama (fire) and his new tryst (ice) together in the same room with Nathan?

Because, gee...that's really clever to me. If only Nathan had some elemental power to actually have that make a cool metaphor.
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[quote name='mcbigski' post='1571413' date='Oct 29 2008, 11.06']The actor who plays Arthur Petrelli doesn't work for me. I can't really put my finger on it, but there's just something about the way he talks that's irksome.[/quote]

I agree...it just seems off, like he is reading the words from Heroes' script but acting the lines for a different show.
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Forster was awesome in [i]Jackie Brown[/i].

That said, he certainly is bringing a particular style to his line readings that give his character the feel of a 70's TV police detective. I don't mind it, per se, but it does give the character a rather superficial bearing. There's not much of a sense that there's a lot there to Arthur Petrelli, besides his Nietzschian shtick.
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[quote name='arizonahotrock' post='1571485' date='Oct 29 2008, 09.54']How many high-fives do you think the writing crew exchanged when they put Nathan's baby-mama (fire) and his new tryst (ice) together in the same room with Nathan?

Because, gee...that's really clever to me. If only Nathan had some elemental power to actually have that make a cool metaphor.[/quote]
Well, his mom seems to think he's some sort of prince. That was promised. Or something. Now if he could just rip out a song, it would all be complete.

:stunned: :leaving:
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[quote name='14th Dragon' post='1570063' date='Oct 28 2008, 10.35']2. Well given Mohinders super power of utter moronitude it is not all that surprising. [b]We need to move beyond waiting for Mohinder to grow up. [/b][/quote]

So true. Do you think there's a 12 step program for that? I could use the help, lol.

On a semi-related note, at least Mohinder used to be eye candy. But as he becomes the fly (or whatever) they're even taking that from me! :thumbsdown:
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[quote name='Myrddin' post='1571581' date='Oct 29 2008, 16.08']Well, his mom seems to think he's some sort of prince. That was promised. Or something. Now if he could just rip out a song, it would all be complete.

:stunned: :leaving:[/quote]

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[quote name='Myrddin' post='1571581' date='Oct 29 2008, 15.08']Well, his mom seems to think he's some sort of prince. That was promised. Or something. Now if he could just rip out a song, it would all be complete.

:stunned: :leaving:[/quote]

His daughter, Claire, is the unburnt
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[quote name='Kay Fury' post='1572010' date='Oct 30 2008, 00.04']His daughter, Claire, is the unburnt[/quote]

Maybe we've just been looking at this all wrong...maybe Heroes is just a modern, superhero version of ASOIAF!

It all makes perfect sense now!
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[quote name='arizonahotrock' post='1571485' date='Oct 29 2008, 10.54']How many high-fives do you think the writing crew exchanged when they put Nathan's baby-mama (fire) and his new tryst (ice) together in the same room with Nathan?

Because, gee...that's really clever to me. If only Nathan had some elemental power to actually have that make a cool metaphor.[/quote]
Ahh, but he does! He flies, so that's kinda sorta an air power. Now they just need Earth and Heart and they'll be all set.
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Wow, really? I'm not allowed to reference George R.R. Martin taking forever with his series and how it might end up sucking in relation to how Heroes took a giant break and came back sucking?

Wow. Just... wow. Is there a FAQ or something I should read so as not to offend the moderating gods by talking about a relevant subject in a thread while being less than gracious about the subject of this forum?
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[quote name='awesome possum' post='1572526' date='Oct 30 2008, 13.45']Wow, really? I'm not allowed to reference George R.R. Martin taking forever with his series and how it might end up sucking in relation to how Heroes took a giant break and came back sucking?

Wow. Just... wow. Is there a FAQ or something I should read so as not to offend the moderating gods by talking about a relevant subject in a thread while being less than gracious about the subject of this forum?[/quote]What a silly idea of false equivalence. Very mature response as well :thumbsup:.
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...and next time on Days of our Heroes....

I swear, Tim Kring must have written for One Life to Live or something. It's just become sad, really.

The villian bad guy turns out to be the long lost brother of the 'good guy' family? Then he turns out to have some weird sudden 'love' for this woman who is supposedly his mother? The boys fight, "Don't you call her that!" and Dad turns out to be the big bad guy who wants to foster the 'bad' brother.

Daphne is nice to Parkman and turns against her evil employers for him... gasp... only to find out she;s still working for them.

The girls who hated each other become bestest friends by bonding through an airplane issues.

It's all too ridiculous.

Don't worry, Raine. Adam will be back. I mean, not even little tiny brain clusters could kill him. (hi five for whoever get's that reference).

I'm watching, hoping, waiting... *hoping* Sylar turns back to his old self. that was my favorite part of the show.
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[quote name='Solana Tarth' post='1572731' date='Oct 30 2008, 16.36']...and next time on Days of our Heroes....

I swear, Tim Kring must have written for One Life to Live or something. It's just become sad, really.

The villian bad guy turns out to be the long lost brother of the 'good guy' family? Then he turns out to have some weird sudden 'love' for this woman who is supposedly his mother? The boys fight, "Don't you call her that!" and Dad turns out to be the big bad guy who wants to foster the 'bad' brother.

Daphne is nice to Parkman and turns against her evil employers for him... gasp... only to find out she;s still working for them.

The girls who hated each other become bestest friends by bonding through an airplane issues.

It's all too ridiculous.

Don't worry, Raine. Adam will be back. I mean, not even little tiny brain clusters could kill him. (hi five for whoever get's that reference).

I'm watching, hoping, waiting... *hoping* Sylar turns back to his old self. that was my favorite part of the show.[/quote]

28 Days Later! Boo yah!

Although I agree with you and do think the ludicrous plot twists ("hey, can't control your electrical outbursts? Let's fly on a plane!"), and total character 180's are RIDICULOUS this season, finding out Sylar is Peter's brother wasn't that far out on my comic book logic radar.

It just could have been handled SO much better.

Same with the bringing back Arthur Petrelli. Reeks of desperation and an attempt to "fix" the show.

It reminds me of when the Spider-man comics were tanking because of the Clone Saga debacle, and they decided to resurrect Norman Osbourne and somehow retcon events so that he was behind the whole thing.
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