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Boarders you want to meet. (I just met my first boarder)


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"Whatever happened to that brady guy?" "Oh, someone started a thread that fed perfectly into his insecurities of never being loved and dying and being forgotten so, you know, he retired from the internet. I heard he lives in a cabin in the woods now and he writes letters to himself and mails them and then when the postman tries to deliver them he rushes out of the house screaming 'please, please just touch me!'"

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I'm a proud member of DC BwB and have met a lot of you over the years (almost to my ten-year pin, scarily enough). I am up for meeting most people. In a public place. While heavily armed.

As for people I haven't met in person but would like to, here are some of the people I've Internet-known for a while and would love to meet in person: Aoife, LoON, Zabzie, Iskaral, Triskele, Datepalm, Scot, and Tormund come to mind. I'm sure there are others.

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"Whatever happened to that brady guy?" "Oh, someone started a thread that fed perfectly into his insecurities of never being loved and dying and being forgotten so, you know, he retired from the internet. I heard he lives in a cabin in the woods now and he writes letters to himself and mails them and then when the postman tries to deliver them he rushes out of the house screaming 'please, please just touch me!'"

Silly bastard. There's no woods in Australia. And if there were, they'd be populated entirely with deadly dropbears.

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Silly bastard. There's no woods in Australia. And if there were, they'd be populated entirely with deadly dropbears.

I heard that dropbears are poisonous too as if they weren't already scary enough.

There are too many people to name that I'd like to meet one day, but then there are the people that you have your doubts about.

A part of me that thinks that there are some people that I ought not ever meet in person. Chef comes to mind. It's not that I doubt his inestimable coolness. It's that I fear that this way lies madness. I worry that Chef could influence me in dangerous ways. I would probably do stuff I wouldn't normally do with in the presence of his fell influence, and end up drinking things that I shouldn't be drinking, going places that I shouldn't be going to, and seeing bear pelts that I shouldn't be seeing.

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I always figured I would just love you all from afar.

Recently, though, I had the good fortune to meet Eefa and, not surprisingly, she was an absolute delight.

Shit, if I can fool this astute mofo, my work here is paying off.

I can think of maybe one or two out of thousands over the years here that (1) I haven't met and (2) don't think it would be worth meeting. We're a generally good bunch of people, and that comes through in person too.

(But do please warn me before fantasy girls' night out happens. I will stock up on painkillers and antiemetics, so I survive that first week after.)

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I'd like first hand exposure to Mr. X's cocktail lore.

And to personally thank Ran for running the show here.

It'd also be interesting to meet Awesome Possum. I'll bet he's precisely as charming, open minded, and thoughtful as he comes across online.

And Frosty. He seems like a hoot.

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Thanks Cyr! Yup, I'm inside the DC beltway now (barely). Still kind of crazy with new job and home and figuring out the commute. But if you've met me or interacted with me shoot me a line. Also, if you live in DT Silver Spring/Takoma because I'm also looking for friends local to my new hood.

I live on the other side of the Potomac these days, but I'll definitely make a mental note that you are around next time we get together. Even if its just a happy hour or something. I didn't know you lived here now, so consider yourself invited to everything the DC BwB does from this point forward. :cheers:

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There are so many of you I really want to meet, I really wouldn't know where to start and I'd probably leave half of you out. DalThor did a pretty good job naming some of you, but there are others, lots of others. I'll put Angalin, Zabzie and Mya on the top of my list because after all, we have so many things in common these days and so many baby war stories to exchange. I've promised my best bookworm buddy Ben that we'll get to meet one day and we will. There are others, so many of you. Maybe we'll win the lottery one day and then I'll make flying all over the planet to meet with you guys a priority. Until then I'm going to have to wait for you to come visit. Bonus points if you offer to babysit (AG :love:) or promise to bring me booze -Tormund, don't think I forgot. I DO want to get to a con but making it to one of the ones in the States would be really hard at this point. I'm waiting for WorldCon to come to Europe again, maybe that will be easier for us -but then not all of you will be there. Don't know.

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I think I would like to meet almost everyone from GC not sure what or who is happening in the other areas of the board. If I win the lottery then I will be doing my best to meet as many of you as are willing. I may even smuggle a dropbear or two if you want.

ohhh FYI the venomous dropbears are the plains dropbears they are bigger than the others and big enough to hunt the razorback pigs.

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What kind of booze is most likely to get me bonus points?

See my sig for the hierarchy.

Grey Goose > Horses > Dogs > Cats > Rats

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