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Viking Round Deux

Lord Syv Aldlark

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In Season 1 I expected him to end up being the one who Christianises the Vikings, and maybe some way down the track the series will take us there. When did Christianity start to take root in Scandinavian society?

I think Harald Bluetooth in Denmark around mid/late 900's and Oalf Tryggvason in Norway . So somewhere between 950-1000 AD.

They would have had contact and converts much earlier,

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What a great episode! Both Hannibal and Vikings totally delivered this week, I can't decide which series is better.

I did not see the crucification coming. It really caught me off. guard and for a minute I actually thought they were going to kill athelstan. Jarl Borg continues to be a great bad Guy. King horac (?) was a Total Dick though, staking behind instead of helping his bro out.

I kinda wished we could have seen more Rollo though. Standen was great last season, but I feel he hasn't het had the chance to shine this season. I thought it was a bit odd that he wasn't invited for the big reunion. Rollo would have liked to see them too imo.

Fimmel continues to impress in the more emotional scenes. First the monologue About his daughter and Now this reunion. Really touching. Ragnar did earn dickpoints this episode, no thank you at all for Rollo?

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Ragnar was butthurt.

Why? Cuz he took Athelstan in. He trusted Athelstan with his own family to watch over them. He allowed Athelstan freedoms, no slave would have gotten otherwise. And eventually freed Athelstan and viewed him as an equal. This is Serious Business. So Athelstan not wanting to return to save the family he once watched over, and aid the man who gave him a second chance was just really a huge blow to the dick for Ragnar. But seeing how Athelstan is a free man now, Ragnar cant force him to come and it breaks his heart.

You know, ive forgotten. *sigh* Like there is a ritualistic reason but i totally am spacing on what it is...

Also Horvik isn't what I would call trustworty. In fact I'd trust Jarl Borg over Horvik, so there maybe a worry that Athelstan could betray Ragnar in someway.

Horvik could now make some seperate bargin with Ecbert, cutting Ragnar out. He was quick enough to double-cross Jarl Borg. Good practical reasons to be upset about losing Athelstan.

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Episode. Leik, i know peeps be all UP IN ARMS cuz new chapter but dis episode.

Bjorn kicks ass and it begins...the rivalry between father and son. Oh yesss.

So Ragnar still is totally in love with Lagertha but he likes his baby maker Aslaug as well. Seer says "Nope. It aint yer choice, bucko!" I <3 Seer btw. Just a little miffed he didnt get to the BEST PART of the Skadi/Njord story. :P

The part where she demands her belly of laughs and Loki steps up to plate. And delivers epically. It involved a goat and some rope.

Borg is such a pansy.

Athelstan is having a spiritual meltdown. Im loving this so goddamn much. Its so gud. He even spits out his Communion! Omg! You keep playing with my mind, A-man! Especially after he prays for the Christian Lord to show Himself and he has a...serious wig out and keeps saying "you devil.." Wtf was that? Not sure the meaning but, im Deeply Horrible to think it a negative of Christianity.

Bjorn dropped the 'shit' bomb at the end of the episode. That was pretty interesting. Lagertha is leaving again but i think we havent seen the last of her. Shes so amazing~~

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Lagertha is leaving again but i think we havent seen the last of her. Shes so amazing~~

Agreed. It would be such a waste to not bring her back. The actress playing her has done such a fantastic job with the part.

Nice to see Aslaug finally humble herself a bit, and thank Lagertha for saving them. But it also kinda felt like she was thanking her for leaving again.

Rollo was being his usual boss self on the battlefield again. I loved the part where he yelled out to Ragnar right before saving his life. Seeing Borg ride away with his tail between his legs was hilarious.

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Siggy, I don't see why everyone likes her, she's a snake in the grass, and as we see from next weeks sneak peek, she shows her true colors.

She reminds me of Titius Pullo's crazy girlfriend. Similar situation actually everyone thinks she walks on water when in actuality she is a complete bitch.

Jarl Borg holy flaming shit on a stick someone please kill him. I hope Ragnar is only cozying up to him so Rullo can kill him in a very creative way. Like they killed the two bit rat that squelled when they retook the town. Nice touch.

Wonderful to hear about the thrid season and no I still don't give a shit about Ice Road Truckers, Swamp people Mountain Men or Swamp People (I know I said that one twice but out of all thier bullshit reality TV programming I hate that one the most)

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Bjorn has made mum really proud on the battlefield and by sacrificing to the gods. Good boy.

I just hope the terrible uninteresting husband gives Lagertha a reason to leave him again. I want her to come back to the story.

I could watch all the show about Athelstan's "spiritual meltdown", as Florina upthread has said. For me his future decisions are by far the most interesting part of the series. He still believes in the Christian God enough to ask him to reveal himself to him, but not enough to actually trust in him, and then he also partly believes in the Norse gods, so he refuses to eat Christ's body ... it was excellently shown how the similarities between the religious ceremonies were underlined: the sacrifice of the animals and men / the sacrifice of Christus; the bodies of dead animals and men / the bread and wine.

Athelstan is having a spiritual meltdown. Im loving this so goddamn much. Its so gud. He even spits out his Communion! Omg! You keep playing with my mind, A-man! Especially after he prays for the Christian Lord to show Himself and he has a...serious wig out and keeps saying "you devil.." Wtf was that? Not sure the meaning but, im Deeply Horrible to think it a negative of Christianity.

I am pretty sure not even Athelstan himself knew what it was about, but I can guess it is a mixture of at least two elements:

1. The God eluding him, and whatever was under the bed only showing itself as the "devil", I guess that is a representation of Athelstan's not having enough faith in Christianity.

2. How he touched his cheek makes me also think it has to do with the kiss of the woman whose husband has hurt her. We never saw him having much trouble keeping celibate, but I think that kiss might have made it a bit harder for him. :blushing: Of course the want for a woman - especially since he is a monk - would be seen as a sin by a Christian and the temptation by the devil, in Athelstan's current mental state probably also something more to push him towards the Norse gods, who do not demand of him to be celibate. Nor, as we have seen, do they allow the husband to mutilate his wife so horribly.

What the fact that she appeared to him as Mary has to do with that, if at all, I have no ideas. Probably just a further proof how confused Athelstan is.

Or maybe I am just making stuff up. :leaving:

On a semi-related note, can we agree it is a miracle that Athelstan managed not to cause a fire with his rolling over and dropping the candle on the floor in a room that was full of wood, fabric and maybe straw? I kept waiting for something to catch fire from that candle throughout the whole scene.

Now the question for Ragnar's village is, how will they survive the winter now that they burned the food supplies? Go to England and steal their food?

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Maybe Lagertha will get her husband to sell Ragnar's people winter supplies?

Going to England won't help them through the immediate winter they're facing.

I got the idea though that Ragnar had food resources whereever it was he and Auslag and his war band had holed up?

Was that cut on Athelstan's face there before his search for the poltergeists bedeviling him?

Such deep spiritual conflicts can play merry heck with a person's perceptions, particularly if you're in an era of deep belief in witches, demons, and pagan gods as well as the Christian god and the devil.

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Just caught up on the last ep. I think this show just keeps getting better.

Oh Lagertha... :crying: I hope we see more of her too, but it felt like this was the dramatic exit for her. I am glad she did not accept the scraps, and took her dignity and left.

And I hope she makes that husband suffer.

Could it be that Athelstan does not feel like he belongs anymore, a stranger? He's seen too much, done too much, and there is no place for him with Christianity any longer, in his own mind? And that leaves him lost between worlds, so to speak. I love his storyline, poor guy.

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