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  1. Past hour
  2. That was actually Ann Coulter being nice.
  3. A local brewery had a smash burger food truck for the night so I headed over, had a couple of beers, picked up a smash burger with bacon, sauteed jalapenos and onions and cheese and some rosemary garlic fries. Healthy? No. Delicious? Yes.
  4. Doesn’t look like it so far. Was hoping the Wolves would show up tonight and put the finish on this series. Now it’s going to be back to wide open again.
  5. Wow Ann Coulter went full racist..thirty years ago.
  6. Wow, Ann Coulter went full racist in Vivek Ramaswamy's face saying should would never vote for him because he's Indian, on Vivek's own show no less? I guess Coulter being so brazen and Vivek having a piss weak reaction are both unsurprising, but still wow. It goes without saying that Ann is not alone in refusing to vote for someone because of their race.
  7. Denver is destroying the wolves tonight. We’ll see if they can make a comeback.
  8. Today
  9. Pretty much a core principle of Justice: punishment for doing bad, reward for doing good. I'm not sure if Schindler was ever punished for the bad in the way society normally likes to see punishment for people doing bad things (I think he probably punished himself), but perhaps that doesn't matter if your redemptive action more than balances the scales. The best reward for doing good is happiness and the warm feeling you get when you see people's lives are benefited by your actions, esp people who are in desperate need. In the hierarchy of virtue it's best not to to be a Nazi in the first place, next best is to become a reformed Nazi and to work against its ideology, not sure what's morally worse between staying a Nazi to benefit yourself even though you know its wrong or being a true believer. Either way Schindler did the next best thing, and I'm glad for it, as I am sure are all the families who's lives he saved.
  10. I don't think anyone disagrees with this. The two aren't mutually exclusive, but you cannot win hearts and minds at scale. You or I can attempt that with sincerity and maybe affect that change in one or two people. Maybe. A protest's job is different. It isn't to have one-on-one dialog, it is a registration of disgust/displeasure in public, en masse. I don't quite see how one can have a preference for one over the other. They work on different scales.
  11. Knicks win this in 4 if healthy. Appreciate their heart.
  12. Yes, everyone who isn't fully supportive of Israel's actions is invariably an antisemite, a traitor, and gods know what else. And the mouthpieces say their parts on endless TV pieces that are, for the most part, a joke while the people in general take direct action, like blockading aid or setting fire to UNWRA offices... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68987130
  13. The Israeli people aren't allowed to see or hear or read of any of this. So they don't even know. It's called government censorship.
  14. Let's not forget Shaggy Dog. If he ever appears again in the story, he could be quite a wild wolf. The direwolves do seem to reflect their Stark handlers' personalities. Nymeria, like Arya, doesn't want to take shit from anyone, leads and protects her pack, like Arya did when crossing the Riverlands. Ghost, hmm, like his Stark, he's less aggressive though will fight if he needs too. Summer is more like Bran, who is currently not leading or fighting any battles. Have to agree with you, the direwolves will be interesting. Moreso than the dragons, as I see it.
  15. Possibly the only thing that can stop the Israeli govt and military abuse of Palestinians are the Israeli people. Sadly over the last 20 years the results of successive elections suggests the majority of non-Arab Israelis don't have much of a problem with treating Palestinians as lesser humans. Not sure that's likely to change, even with revelations by Israeli whistleblowers of inhuman behaviour such as this. I can see a lot of Israelis calling these whistleblowers traitors who should be executed for treason.
  16. Apparently Bethany Antonia said in a recent interview that Baela will be "using" her father's word Dark Sister at some point in Season 2. I'm not sure how, as he has it most of the time. https://twitter.com/weirdobibi/status/1789028583895179529/photo/1 ....maybe he lets her practice with it? It reminds me of how Aenys "wielded" Blackfyre a few times when Aegon I let him train with it. Best case scenario - admittedly wishful thinking - have Daemon let Baela train with it, so he can give exposition that "my grandfather Jaehaerys passed this sword on to me, it comes down to us from Visenya herself" etc.
  17. Homeworld 3 is one of the most stunning beautiful video games ever made. It's just on the next level. Mission 7 was designed by a psychotic bastard though. Probably the most punishingly difficult mission in the entire franchise, created by someone who spent way too much time watching the defence of Zion in The Matrix Revolutions.
  18. The difference here being the government telling the army to let them in, and the army has to decide whether to overthrow the government or take the path of least resistance and do nothing.
  19. .....well that embroidery is stylized... my hope is that IN UNIVERSE, they have Aegon II complain that the craftsmen he commissions keep forgetting that he's officially switched to the two legged version (lampshading how the props department doesn't always coordinate well on this)
  20. Yeah, that's why I find it so interesting. Cuz....wolf packs are lead by an alpha male AND female. The rest of the wolves treat them as equals. So I assume Nymeria is the alpha female.....I suppose my question is....who is the alpha male? Summer? Or Ghost? Ghost is, almost by definition....the lone wolf....but he's also the largest. Even in the first book, he was growing faster than the rest. Super interesting topic, but we just don't have enough info yet.
  21. Good question, as currently, Ghost is a lone wolf, Summer has found a small pack, and Nymeria is reported as leading a huge pack of wolves. Plus, Arya has wolf dreams where Nymeria and her pack kill men. Below is a link to her wiki page which discusses her. It includes reports of a 'huge female direwolf leading a large pack' Arys's wolf dreams of her dragging Cat out of the river after being murdered at the Red Wedding, and of her and her pack killing the men hunting her. She may not be an alpha male, but I doubt that either Ghost or Summer will best the she beast. You go girl! Nymeria's wiki page link: Nymeria (direwolf) - A Wiki of Ice and Fire (westeros.org)
  22. I'm surprised they're giving up on him so quickly.
  23. Fun topic! In order....(and this is just my take on things) The North has no Knights because the rank of Knight is an Andal concept. Plus the Northmen view the Old Gods as higher than Kings, so an oath to the Old Gods would conflict with their loyalty to a King. There are other roads in the North...but very few main ones. This is just a matter of logistics. It's incredibly hard to build a road through the Neck....so only one has been made. There are additional roads once you're North of the Neck, mainly just leading to the various holdfasts of the family houses. The North is really.....REALLY big, and everything is far apart. Lots of interconnected roads wouldn't make sense. It's like the Midwest USA, where there's a few interstates to connect main cities, but it's nothing but backroads and small highways everywhere else. As for why there's no Stark Iditarod-style sled racing.....no idea. Maybe there used to be, when the season were normal, but the long summers made it impossible to train sled dogs? If a summer lasts 5+ years....how do you train a sled dog? They only live to maybe 12....and they're only good as a sled dog for the first half decade or so. That's really hard work. Sled dogs would make a lot of sense North of the wall though, and we do see that there. The free-folk of the Frozen Shore use them to transport goods, rather than horses or donkeys. Even cooler...it sounds like they've got a domesticated breed of Direwolf that they use for it. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Men_of_the_Frozen_Shore
  24. Not sure there's much to tell really that you couldn't already guess. The chemistry was immediate. We both said we wanted to take it slow and that lasted for maybe 30-60 minutes. The next two weeks more or less went the same. Pretty sure I'm moving out there in the next few months assuming she agrees to relocate within a year or so (which she already said she would).
  25. I would bemoan this shameless enterprise, but lately this cynicism has been duly punished. Rings of Power has been the subject of appropriate derision. Marvel has been pummelled by box office failures. Indiana Jones lost so much money my heart swells with joy. DC movies experienced one box office bomb after another. Maybe the audience will again respond appropriately and not watch this. I feel optimistic. In which case it will be my pleasure to see Warner Brothers herniate more money.
  26. It's a good idea, but that's really not the way that wolves work. Once the leaders of a pack (alpha male and female) accept a member, that member is expected to follow their lead. Given that we're two "generations" of skinchanger down, with each becoming more like their animal over time, I can't imagine there's very much hate of Jon left...and what little there is would probably be very quickly subsumed by the wolf-instinct to follow the alpha. Fun idea though. Makes me wonder what on earth is going to happen if Summer, Nymeria and Ghost all meet...who is going to be the alpha? I have to assume it'll be Ghost, but who knows. For all we know, GRRM's original outline (which included Jon and Arya falling in love) could have shifted to their WOLVES falling in love....which would be super awkward for the humans.
  27. I think it was quite shrewd of Aegon. Those two lords....Argilac and Harron, were nearly at the point of open war, with the others parts of Westeros much more united, or at least friendly with their neighbors. The North was fully behind the Starks, for example. Aegon knew this....and he essentially split the continent into two fronts by invading in the center. His goal was to unite the continent under his rule. Attacking the least united portion first was a great move. He was negotiating from a position of strength, and Harron was the largest initial threat. He didn't need to dilute his bloodline to win and he knew it....but his initial offer to Argilac made him seem just. The offer was made....and rejected...and Aegon attacked Harron...only turning against Argilac afterwards. The whole thing was political...he wanted everyone to know that he would treat those who cooperated fairly.
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