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About kissdbyfire

  • Birthday September 20

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  • Bloodraven's #1 groupie
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    deep within the heart of the heart tree

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  1. Same here. Unless we infer from “we will go into Rafah with or without a ceasefire” (paraphrasing) that he’s at least admitting the possibility of a ceasefire. Grasping at straws, but it’s all I’ve got.
  2. That's interesting, about the child mortality rates. But there is an actual proper difference in life expectancy then and now. We just don't know what it is. And 39,4 did sound too young tbh. Irt the founding fathers living to ripe old ages, well, very few would have been in a more favourable position to live a long life, right? Point being, I do think the age limits are spot on today and were a bit on the older side back then, not "about to croak"!
  3. Does it still work, or does it work now? I mean, I agree it’s perfect now but what was the life expectancy 235 years ago? Here it says it was 39,4 years. If that site is even remotely close to the mark, then by the time you were allowed to run for president you were about to croak!
  4. It also should be notable - but isn’t anymore - that none of the above has ever happened if you go by reports by the MSM… I’m curious now to see if Joy Reid said anything. But others at MSNBC only mentioned, in passing, of course, that there had been violent clashes between protesters and counterprotesters.
  5. Does the media ignore this type of news or do they call her an antisemite & a terrorist?
  6. I disagree. I think it certainly has that one specific meaning but within a faction of the population.
  7. There’s so much propaganda here my head is spinning. For instance, the word intifada has been weaponised. I learned just the other day from a Jewish scholar… and in an interview with another Jewish intellectual, I learned that the Arabic translation of “Warsaw Ghetto” is”Warsaw Intifada” - IIRC, he was talking about this translation being in a book in a Holocaust Memorial/Museum, don’t remember which one. ETA: the uprising obviously
  8. Care to explain why you think that? Especially regarding the bolded part.
  9. WTAF. I guess being able to turn an adult wearing diapers into a positive worthy of celebration is quite something?
  10. Irt the population(s) in general, it's easy to believe b/c you have both the MSM and the politicians you like/vote for - meaning dems & republicans - spouting the same fucking shite into people's ears nonstop, while also suppressing information about the other side of the story.
  11. From December 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/13/antisemitism-executive-order-trump-chilling-effect
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