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What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done at work?


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I worked at a teenage, lock down facility. Young girl had tried to kill herself by drinking her non life threatening strawberry shampoo and then puking all over the bathroom. My supervisor said she could take care of it, but quickly excited and asked if I could. Being the man that I was, I told her nooooooooo problem. I proudly walked into the bathroom and the strawberry stomach acid smell just over took me. I tried my best to hold it in but was soon adding my puke to hers. That and the paper work afterwards was a bit embarrassing.

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I've had a week of horrors and it's easy to do embarrassing things when you work with teenagers, because they can turn even the most innocent of things into something that sounds suggestive. Was sick over the weekend and really stressed out on Tuesday. I tried to pull down my projector screen during class and pulled the whole thing down (it's like 9 feet wide and heavy) and it almost fell on me. Also pulled out a ceiling tile. This was in my difficult-to-manage class, while I was supposed to be doing a lab, so I had to call my boss in to help out and he told me to go take a break if I needed one, so I went into the bathroom and cried. (This is the only time I have done this, I swear. :P) Later that day, I had a meeting before my evaluation with my other boss, which resulted in me crying again because of all the demands he was putting on me and some political stuff he's trying to pull, in which on one hand he's calling me a magical wonder teacher of the future and on the other hand he's threatening my tenure process if I don't do certain things or fall under the influence of the wrong people on staff. So then later in the day I was trying to explain this to my union rep and telling him this was going on but I didn't want to file a grievance because my lack of tenure, retaliation, etc. and ended up crying again because I was so stressed out by the whole situation.

Then yesterday, I overslept before work for the first time in my life and ended up having to leave the house without a shower, breakfast or any of my usual morning routine. In fact, I was so hurried that I just threw on a school sweatshirt and jeans and forgot to wear a bra. Naturally, this did not help my general state of stress.

I managed to save face with my boss today, and hang up my projector screen again, but it's kind of held up with zip ties, hope and prayers. I swear, though, my current job is about to put me back on medication or something. FML.

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This is my kind of thread!

I lost my pants last year on my work place... Don't ask how ;) Had to run through the halls in my underwear... Luckily, it was 3am and I wasn't seen by anyone... God was on my side that day...

Yes! Yes!

I split my pants in two at work one day while going commando in the underwear department. I was also close to two hours away from my house at the time and would have lost the entire day of work if I had to go home. Fortunately, we use burlap sacks (potato sacks) to place between iron beams and steel rope that is wrapped around them so sharp edges can't cut the steel. I gaff taped myself a burlap diaper and finished my day. I can personally attest that burlap is not the most comfortable of substances to wear around your nether regions though...


Mine would have to be the 'blowing incident'.

When one attempts to get peripheral venous access and goes through the vein, we in the medical field call that 'blowing the vein'. It leaves bruises.

One of the younger male nurses asked me one night if I could get access on a patient because no one else had been able to get a new IV in him. Now this guy was a pretty buff, nicely built young gentleman. The other nurse and I walked in the room and I picked up his arm and said 'Wow, I can see where they've been blowing you'. Both young men dissolved into laughter and boy was my face red. I just didn't even think about how it would sound before I said it.

Nice! Last time I worked in the ER, I completely fucked the inventory system... as system that I am normally in charge of. :blushing: I spent over 137 hours at work that week, and I don't get paid hourly.

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Called my old boss "mum" once.

The old classic.

while in the sack?

that said, one of the embarrassing things i have ever done at work was being caught with my hands in a bus girl's shirt in the walk in cooler when i was a lad. neither of us got a moment's peace after it. everyone in the building learned of it and made sure that we knew.

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Hang in there, Kat. I'm impressed that you're navigating teenagers, office politics, and projector screens and only crying three times. I would have been hiding under the bed with a plate of brownies.

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I don't get embarrassed by screw-ups at work anymore. There have been some doozys, but the older I get, the more I think, "fuck it."

I'm becoming the old person who doesn't give a shit. Pretty soon I'll be ranting on a street corner.

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Once while cathing a pt I asked the director of interventional cardiology if he needed a "cockstop" (stopcock). He stopped the cath and turned to stare at me as I realized my mistake and laughed like an idiot. It wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that he was famous for hating everyone but had a terribly obvious fondness for me, and tried to flirt with me on the reg. It was witnessed by everyone and the irony wasn't lost on them.

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Managed to touch the ass of not my co-worker, not my manager, but the goddamn owner and CEO of the company.

I also whispered (too loudly it turns out) to a co-worker "Check out fat Val Kilmer over in the Horror aisle"

Yeah, the customer heard me.

Yeah, that customer turned out to be actual Val Kilmer...

Really blew my chance at getting a autographed copy of "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang".... Total bummer.

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Managed to touch the ass of not my co-worker, not my manager, but the goddamn owner and CEO of the company.

I also whispered (too loudly it turns out) to a co-worker "Check out fat Val Kilmer over in the Horror aisle"

Yeah, the customer heard me.

Yeah, that customer turned out to be actual Val Kilmer...

Really blew my chance at getting a autographed copy of "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang".... Total bummer.

Val Kilmer is a prick anyways...

I did a 20 hour day setting up and rehearsing his incredibly stupid one man off Broadway show about Samuel Clemons last year. (It really was horrible by the way).. The majority of the reason it took so long was because he was so drunk that he could hardly walk, much less recite lines.

I went outside to grab a quick smoke, and he stumbled after me and then started screaming at me to not take his picture.(I didn't even have a camera, and my phone was in my pocket.)

After he was done with his rant, I walked up to him and looked him in the eyes and told him that I had no need for a picture as I had been watching his dumb ass trip across a stage for hours and it was firmly planted in my mind what an idiot looked like.

Fuck Val Kilmer

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Kat...that is one shitty week. :grouphug: Screw the brownies, I would have been hiding under my bed with a fifth of something.

I don't get embarrassed by screw-ups at work anymore. There have been some doozys, but the older I get, the more I think, "fuck it."

I'm becoming the old person who doesn't give a shit. Pretty soon I'll be ranting on a street corner.

I'll be on the corner across from you :) Its like I told someone last week, you couldn't pay me to be 26 again. I like not giving a fuck and have yet to notice any consequences other than I being less stressed out and sleeping better.

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Probably about 3 years ago I had my personal laptop with me at work and I was looking at something definitely work related but I had a whole bunch of tabs open and I switched from the work-related thing to my email for a second.

A guy I work with came over and asked about the work thing I was looking at and as I attempted to show him I apparently clicked on the wrong tab and brought up some porn that I had been browsing at home on my own time and had neglected to close. Thank God it was a guy I have known since undergrad, well before we worked together, so it was not a big deal and he just laughed about it. Learned a valuable lesson that day, though. If you bring your personal laptop to the office, don't forget to exit out of whatever porn you may have been looking at.

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You'd think I'd have learned how to button up a sweater evenly when I was in Kindergarten. But no. When I was teaching a few years ago one of my students approached after class to tell me that I'd been sporting a hot mess the entire time.

A couple of weeks later, the same student ventured forward (much less shyly this time) to ask if I knew I was wearing two different earrings.

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Nothing too embarrassing, but I'm working on it. Last Monday I took a really stinky dump in the men's bathroom (it's a small office, hence small bathroom). I am not sure about this next part, but the executive director must've walked in shortly after, cuz next morning the cleaning lady was putting in new, stronger air fresheners. :cool4:

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I also boldly declared (as I did here) to the Friday boardroom drinks that England would beat Australia 3-1 in the latest Ashes series.

That was several fails for the price of one.

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:grouphug: Kat, Sorry your having a rough time at work. I think your awesum and the shcool is lucky to have you.

hmmm most embarasing thing I have done at work, but are actually kinda proud of?

the Boss was away and the whole office had errupted into this mass argument. Lots of shouting and raised voices over what I could tell was stupid stuff. Thus I took matters in my own hands to shut everyone up, I aquied a metal dutbin lid and a short peice of scrap conduit from the factory floor then I charged up and down the office wacking the fuck out of the dustbin lid and shouting valar Morgulis. I did this serveral times before realising I was the only one now making any noise as everyone else was staring at me. I then took my seat and pretended nothing had happened. for the rest of the day you could have heard a pin drop. When I got to work the next day someone had mounted the now very bent dutbin lid and conduit stick on the cieling above my desk. and everyone is kinda scared of me.

or the thing I did out of work that that caused me great personal discomfort and embarasment from a "customer" (as in department customer and thus anther employee - who has since been sacked for being a jerk, making inapropiarate comments and harrasing the Ladies)

My first NHAW which I think was the board's second. this cretin was (might still be) a lurker here. and er reconginsed my picture. then when his computer broke I had to fix it. he recogonised me and made a referance. he had also saved my picture and a few others onto his work PC. I deleated them - there was no way I was going to report him since that would take too much explaining. I never found out what his board name was. He was scaked anyway a few months later.

Or the thing I did not at work but in a wood where I er encounted my futer Bosses bosses Boss, and his son. Who I must have made a great impression on because he remembered me when I met him at a meeting.

I was trying to take NHAW photo's and had taken practice shots so got ready for the real pics when I was disturbed. I ended up hiding in the bush. Older members of this board know the full story. I'm not repeating the full details.

or perhaps the most painful thing I have experianced at work, thats totally not my fault but still kind of embarasing?

That was being attacked by the Steam proppelled Ninja Cacti with 2 inch barbed needs. I just happened to be in the wrong place and the wrong time when the steam pipe ruptured and propelled the Cacti accross the office. It implaed itself into my shoulder. Yes it hurt. a lot. yes I did scream. There were tears.

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