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[spoilers] Nitpicking with impunity

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-Jaime being a rapist

-The Hound being a thief and a liar. In the book his great redeeming quality was his honesty and lack of hypocrisy, he was sufficiently morally ambiguous with the whole "one of those people who followed orders, no matter how immoral they were, until he ran away", and being in love with a 12 year old girl.

-Littlefinger destroying the poisoned necklace. Probably so that Sansa will lack a way to save herself and need to be rescued by St Tyrion.

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-Jaime being a rapist

-The Hound being a thief and a liar. In the book his great redeeming quality was his honesty and lack of hypocrisy, he was sufficiently morally ambiguous with the whole "one of those people who followed orders, no matter how immoral they were, until he ran away", and being in love with a 12 year old girl.

-Littlefinger destroying the poisoned necklace. Probably so that Sansa will lack a way to save herself and need to be rescued by St Tyrion.

I was never a Jaime fan in the show or in the books; but I had felt that the one act he'd felt to be beneath him was rape. Totally unnecessary for him to rape Cersei in the show; their having angry grief-sex in a holy place by the body of their dead son would have been outrageous enough.

I think the show has mishandled the character of the Hound since Season 2. He had no need to bark at Arya about how awful and cruel the world was, either, he knows she's seen that cruelty first-hand. And why didn't the show give us Arya's sad retreat into herself after the Red Wedding and the Hound's attempts to shake her out of it?

The sex scenes with TV Oberyn now make me wonder uncomfortably whether Oberyn was capable of siring children without at least one extra cute young bod in the bed, gender irrelevant? Of course, we don't know if he has any children in TV Westeros...

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Jaime wearing his season one "default character" outfit again and Dany hasn't changed her clothes since season three. I am disgust.

IIRC at this point in the books, she is wearing a dress that only covers one breast, and if rumors are correct EC doesn't want to show her naked body any more (which is funny since we have seen it all in season 1).

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IIRC at this point in the books, she is wearing a dress that only covers one breast, and if rumors are correct EC doesn't want to show her naked body any more (which is funny since we have seen it all in season 1).

I think those rumours proved to be false, since she was seen naked in 3x08 when getting out of the bath in front of Daario. It would also be kind of weird to see the "he took her in every way a man could take a woman" scene if she's not even naked.

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The completely unnecessary brothel scene tbh. With all the material they need to cover do we really need 5 mins of naked bodies and discussing being bi-sexual. Oberyn is a lot more interesting than his sexuality, *sigh* it is really grating on me now!

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Why is I want to be the Queen Marge acting all naive and more like book Marge over Joff's death ?

I like the show change and would like Marge to be even more Machiavellian than her grandmother!

I found the Marge of the books boring.

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Three episodes in excluding season 1 , 23 episode, and still the dragons have no names (yeah I know they still have the same book names, but the non readers don't know that, I know some who have asked me.)

HBO is making a lot off the show... I hope this prompts them to up the VFX budge.

It is noticeable that , when they could be visible, last episode, there are not.

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It is getting ridiculous. They significantly cut out charachters out of the show, but they film brothels with lot's of whores. The wrting is getting lazy, it seems like they just go with whatever they come up with without proper thinking about characther arks. Also, budget is big, but HBO is too greedy, because they are making out of this show tonn's of money.

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Compare this to....whatever he's done in this show.

I've seen Gillen deliver good performances in so many shows, and on the stage in a Chekov play some years ago where he was as subtle and restrained as you'd like, what is going on with him on the set of GOT I just can not fathom. He is appalling.

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I've seen Gillen deliver good performances in so many shows, and on the stage in a Chekov play some years ago where he was as subtle and restrained as you'd like, what is going on with him on the set of GOT I just can not fathom. He is appalling.

It's strange because he was perfectly acceptable in s1. Not amazing, but got the job done and sometimes even made some pretty cringeworthy dialogue almost work (the infamous sexposition scene, the "gash" banter...).

He's gradually become bad to the point of ruining every single scene he's in.

I put part of the blame on the directors too: any director worth their salt would tell him to cut it out with the Batvoice and speak normally.

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It's strange because he was perfectly acceptable in s1. Not amazing, but got the job done and sometimes even made some pretty cringeworthy dialogue almost work (the infamous sexposition scene, the "gash" banter...).

He's gradually become bad to the point of ruining every single scene he's in.

I put part of the blame on the directors too: any director worth their salt would tell him to cut it out with the Batvoice and speak normally.

He's had some pretty appalling dialogue these past two seasons - lazy, dull stuff, though admittedly not all of it. He seems to thrive on the banter and snark and clever dialogue, which is what LF is all about, really.

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Aiden Gillen's shitty Littlefinger voice! I'm sick of it to the point where I actually want him recast now. It's so fake and stupid. I've been hoping forever that he'd go back to his regular voice from season one but now I realize that's never going to happen. What a horrible actor this guy has proven to be.

It's explicable, really, why the directors let him keep on with the batwhisper, when he spoke like a perfectly normal human in Season 1.

I'm also starting to wonder, where is "Yara" and her quest to save Theon, she kind of fell off the map and it might be nice if they'd show Mance and his 100,000 army to remind viewers instead of just having people talk about him.

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They should just go ahead and replace the castles in the intro credits by the various brothels, cause that's where most of the action takes place really.

:lmao: You make a good point! lol

I hate when they add whore scenes that give nothing towards the plot or chracter development. Porn for the sake of it just cheapens the show.

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Why is I want to be the Queen Marge acting all naive and more like book Marge over Joff's death ?

Yeah that was odd. It kind of reminded us just how much they've aged her up from the books. But then again, she hasn't really experienced death that up-close and personal.

I like how the scene showed that she was so hell-bent on being queen that she was willing to deal with Joffrey, despite knowing her nature. I liked Olenna's "you did great work on Joffrey. The next one will be easier." Even if her momentary naivety seemed odd, I'm not too worried about Show!Marg's remaining an empowered figure.

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