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The Flash - Don't Blink


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What if the Flash ate lots of cheese? Would constipation set in to slow him down, or would his entire battle-of-the-bowels be accelerated so it only lasted 5-10 seconds from our perspective?

Now I have an image of a possible brown streak zooming around Central City. :laugh:

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Just watched Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox, the DC Animated Movie. Staggering how many similarities there are to the series here, spoilered if you haven't seen it:

Barry Allen goes back to save his mother, but ends up making the world far worse. In this universe, he wears the reverse colours of Thawne aka Reverse Flash and the world is pretty much ending. So he has to go back and stop himself from saving her and restore the timeline.

Admittedly I'm fudging things a little because he re-reverses the colours pretty much immediately, but aside from that you've got a yellow blur and a red blur both around the scene of his mothers murder, time travel etc. I didn't realise they were drawing this closely on the comics*, though I realise that doesn't mean the resolutions have to be the same. But 'he saves her and the world ends up far worse so he has to undo it' certainly rocketed up my list of possibilities.

*I should point out that the movie is based on a comic book story.

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Until this episode --for a CW show-- the writing wasn't bad.... and then, "stream crossing"..... ugh.

I guess Barry punching them unconscious at high speed was simply out of the question.... This had all the logic of an Adam West Batman episode

*1000 posts.... yay me.

Yeah - it's clear to me the show rises or falls on its ability to convince me his foes have some kind of edge over him. These two could have been taken down by a sniper, never mind all the ways Flash could have simply took the guns out their hands without them having the chance to shoot. Utterly moronic and they really need to try harder.

Oh and if I could read and digest an 800 scientific proof in 5 seconds and be embarking on a massive reading spree. The thing is it suggests he can comprehend things at super speed too which means the guy should be a genius and not think the only way to take two guys out with guns is to get them to shoot each other.

Hopefully he'll be up against the reverse flash or some telepath, intangible/indestructible foe again as they strike me as the only kinds of adversary he can take on. The others need to provide complicated traps/distractions like Captain Cold did the first time out.

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Oh and if I could read and digest an 800 scientific proof in 5 seconds and be embarking on a massive reading spree. The thing is it suggests he can comprehend things at super speed too

Yea that's something the show hasn't addressed, is reading 800 pages still tiring for him? Is tidying up in 10 seconds still as annoying for him as for a normal person? Because ultimately, he's slowing his brain down without moving when he's doing that, or else he experiences all time like that and would be bored stiff talking so slowly all the time.

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Yea that's something the show hasn't addressed, is reading 800 pages still tiring for him? Is tidying up in 10 seconds still as annoying for him as for a normal person? Because ultimately, he's slowing his brain down without moving when he's doing that, or else he experiences all time like that and would be bored stiff talking so slowly all the time.

He rubbed his eyes so hopefully it causes some strain on him. The other thing with his super tidying is that it suggests he can move way faster than he's showing in his actual fights and also has incredible fine control of his abilities which flies in the face of his training montages and trips eg he should have seen and dodged the ice with ease in the episode.

I know the tidying and making coffee scenes are just there for fun and my brain does tend to switch off and enjoy but I'd prefer some kind of consistency. But I guess that's a different show alltogether.

At the current rate the show needs an episode where something backfires with his super speed - loss of control or some kind of brain deterioration otherwise he should be utterly unstoppable by the end of the season where he will inevitably defeat the reverse flash.

Maybe the test captain cold was conducting was to see how stupid the Flash was? I guess once you establish that you can start to plan accordingly?

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That Cold wad being broken out before even getting to jail by his sister, and he seemed to indicate something greater was going on a couple times, seems to play into the idea that this was some sort of test for Flash... whether that's intentional by the creators or not remains to be seen.

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Just caught up with the show last night. Really loving it. Yeah the most recent episode had even me going "dude, just take their guns away at super speed, ugh!"

But otherwise, having a lot of fun. The Arrow crossover and "Man in the Yellow suit" epiosdes...Wonderful!

And Caitlin could end up being Killer Frost? Whoa, every version I've seen of her, she is seriously mean.

I really like the props this show is giving the 1990 Flash series. John Wesley Shipp as the dad, and Amanda Pays back as Christina McGee, and now Mark Hamil returning as The Trickster! Simply wonderful. The 1990 show was a quality series that really found its footing in the second half of its single season, deserves the respect.

This isn't the first time Hamil returned to the role of Trickster, he played the character again in an episode of Justice League: Unlimited. Also Shipp played Dr. Zoom in an episode of Batman: The Brave and The Bold, Shipp as Barry Allen/Flash in the 1990 show also used "Dr. Zoom" as an alias in one episode.

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Yeah - it's clear to me the show rises or falls on its ability to convince me his foes have some kind of edge over him. These two could have been taken down by a sniper, never mind all the ways Flash could have simply took the guns out their hands without them having the chance to shoot. Utterly moronic and they really need to try harder.

Oh and if I could read and digest an 800 scientific proof in 5 seconds and be embarking on a massive reading spree. The thing is it suggests he can comprehend things at super speed too which means the guy should be a genius and not think the only way to take two guys out with guns is to get them to shoot each other.

Hopefully he'll be up against the reverse flash or some telepath, intangible/indestructible foe again as they strike me as the only kinds of adversary he can take on. The others need to provide complicated traps/distractions like Captain Cold did the first time out.

This. I enjoy the show. I find all the actors to be completely likeable and fun to watch. But, man, with every episode, I find myself checking out when it comes time for Barry to take the villains down. It should not be a contest. He moves too fast for anyone to react quickly enough to pose a threat. I also didn't quite understand how, according to Cisco, that heat gun is supposedly hot as the sun? Or, did I mishear? He said the ice gun can reach absolute zero, and that the heat gun can reach the hottest temp possible...? Unless he meant possible for a device. Not sure how the material used to construct the gun can even withstand its own output, nevermind how Barry managed to take shots from it.

The only villain I've been invested in up to this point is Reverse Flash. RF should be Barry's only worthy adversary at this point. I don't envy the writers their job. They need to constantly think of ways to constrain someone who can run faster than anyone can think, pretty much.

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This. I enjoy the show. I find all the actors to be completely likeable and fun to watch. But, man, with every episode, I find myself checking out when it comes time for Barry to take the villains down. It should not be a contest.

I agree it becomes very distracting and it's a shame as the show itself is good fun and I think when everything else is working fine then I don't notice the issue with his powers so much. But the episode wasn't as tight as other episodes have been.

His power levels (which are even greater in the comics) have always been an issue in the comics - although i think it's part of the reason why the rogues usually gang up on him to make it harder for him. The other thing is that static images in a comic make it easier to suspend disbelief. It's a lot more difficult in live action or animated forms.

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For some reason I was far less bothered by Barry's inability to take them down as I was with the police doing jack shit. It was as if they'd agreed with some rules laid down by Captain Cold before hand and had promised they wouldn't shoot him in the back, which they had ample opportunity to do.

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For some reason I was far less bothered by Barry's inability to take them down as I was with the police doing jack shit. It was as if they'd agreed with some rules laid down by Captain Cold before hand and had promised they wouldn't shoot him in the back, which they had ample opportunity to do.

That's what made the scene extra stupid. They weren't even a threat to cops with a small amount of sense. It's like the cops have just become lazy - I guess I'd happily let the superguy handle things as well. But it seemed ridiculous when West was telling Barry how he was the only one who could take them down.

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Seems like Barry's training this week was how to take away weapon's from regular humans. It made for a much more sensical episode but also really highlighted how dumb last week was.

Were Hartley and Wells lovers? I feel like I missed something because it seemed like they were, but it didn't go anywhere. I kept expecting Hartley to say he was out for revenge because Wells used him and dropped him or something.

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Seems like Barry's training this week was how to take away weapon's from regular humans. It made for a much more sensical episode but also really highlighted how dumb last week was.

Were Hartley and Wells lovers? I feel like I missed something because it seemed like they were, but it didn't go anywhere. I kept expecting Hartley to say he was out for revenge because Wells used him and dropped him or something.

They weren't lovers, they've stated that Wells had a female romantic interest, Morgan that has passed away. Wells could be bisexual or the whole relationship could be a red herring, but honestly all I got from the Wells/Hartley relationship was a strong mentor-protégée one.

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Wasn't expecting Piper to be this good. Makes up for the previous ep.

I was also surprised at how entertaining he was as well. Definitely a keeper for the show. Plus he seems like he'll find a way to use the sonics to make his battles with Flash more difficult.

Besides trying to compute how the Flash can now run at/faster than the speed of light to take a photo of himself his powers weren't to silly this week either - in that he took Piper down easily at first and had sufficient distractions for round 2. I'll forget about the fact he wasted 2 minutes herding people on motorbikes when he showed at the end of the episode he can pluck drivers safely out of cars falling off bridges. Because the episode was otherwise entertaining.

I also liked Iris being put in place with the "my grandmother has a blog".

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The villain's plan revolved around him getting himself captured by the heroes? Man, what a novel twist! Ahem, sorry, just had to get that out of the way.

It's an entertaining show, but a bit more consistency when it comes to Barry's powers and his ability to use them would be nice. If this week's Barry had shown up last week, that episode would have been about five minutes long.

Also: while it's a horrific human rights abuse to just lock people up without a trial and without any legal authority (and in tiny cells without sanitation infrastructure as far as I can tell), they can at least point to the fact that you can't lock gasman in a normal cell. How do you even begin to justify it with a guy who's only dangerous because of the technological gadgets he can build?

I'm most intrigued by Wells, and good on Joe for his continued suspicions, but they are connecting him to Reverse Flash in such a blatant way that I feel there's another twist coming there.

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