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pancakes or waffles?


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I'd take a waffle over a pancake any day, but only because waffles are not readily available where I live, while pancakes are. I have pancakes often, they are easy to make (for me). Waffles I can only procure from vendors and such vendors are few and far between.

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I have never had the thick American pancakes. Are they basically Kaiserschmarrn?


It's been too long that I ate pancakes in the US or tried to make that style myself but they are rather different. They are not as thick and fluffy as good Kaiserschmarrn. I think there are less eggs in the more common US pancake batter and the egg whites are not beaten separately. They rather add buttermilk or a similar ingredient to make them somewhat fluffy but not so much. So they often are not as sweet (that's why one adds lots of sweet syrup before eating) or as fluffy as e.g. Kaiserschmarrn.


I like all that sweet stuff quite a bit although my favorites are the potato pancakes/puffers (best known as "latkes" (yiddish) in the US) with apple sauce. But you have to make them yourself (or your mother, grandma etc.) and they have to be fresh from the pan. Actually such freshness is essential with a lot of these things, they do not improve by being kept warm for too long.


The style of waffles I know  are also pretty good when cooled off, however. The traditional way here is with cherry compote/sauce (often hot) and whipped cream and/or vanilla ice cream.

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Waffles all the way! With ice cream and either homemade raspberry jam, homemade q
Unicellular or crabapple jelly or maple syrup. Yum!

Crepes with lemon juice and sugar also good. Don't get the French toast love.
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It's been too long that I ate pancakes in the US or tried to make that style myself but they are rather different. They are not as thick and fluffy as good Kaiserschmarrn. I think there are less eggs in the more common US pancake batter and the egg whites are not beaten separately. They rather add buttermilk or a similar ingredient to make them somewhat fluffy but not so much. So they often are not as sweet (that's why one adds lots of sweet syrup before eating) or as fluffy as e.g. Kaiserschmarrn.

Wait. People beat whites separately before making pancakes or Kaiserschmarrn?


And I agree with whoever said that these are not breakfast foods, these are all desserts we are talking about here.

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Æbleskivers are where it's at. I know they're not really breakfast, but they're basically tiny pancake balls that you can fill with jelly or cream or whatever you want really. I like to fill mine with scrambled eggs and sausage so they're more breakfast-y. And top with syrup, of course.

But of the posted options, I'll take pancakes.

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Æbleskivers are where it's at.



also pancakes, crepes, french toast, potato pancakes... all are great. I'm not a huge fan of waffles but I'll eat em if I have too.

My favorite is probably pumpkin pancakes with chocolate chips and walnuts. but I'm pretty flexible. and definitely no butter and real maple syrup.  :drool:

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Pancakes are a main course dinner dish, waffles desert or served with coffee. No need to choose.
While waffles are a bit easier to convert to street food, there are poffertjes to defend the honour of the pancake.

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Pancakes are a main course dinner dish, waffles desert or served with coffee. No need to choose.
While waffles are a bit easier to convert to street food, there are poffertjes to defend the honour of the pancake.



Poffertjes are a traditional Dutch batter treat. Resembling small, fluffy pancakes, they are made with yeast and buckwheat flour.

:angry: I am not sure I feel comfortable with this.




Pancakes are quite often sold as street food as well. They offer them either with jam or nutella or cinnamon or nuts or whatever you choose.

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It depends on who prepares them.  I have two different breakfast places I go, one makes a killer waffle the other some great pancakes.  They both come with a combination of bacon, eggs and fruit.  After a morning workout, yum.  I will say though that lately, pancakes have been generally edging out waffles for me.  I can't really tell you why.

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