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What's annoying you today? Part the grievous


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23 hours ago, Targarien21 said:

I'm really tired for the last week and can't have a good and especially a long rest in the near future :( I dream about a vacation but I'm not sure that my plans for it will become real and that annoyes me too -_-
My neighbours annoy me too because I go to sleep really late (yeah I'm a night owl :D) and they like to be loud early in the mornings which wakes me up early and I hate that! :angry:
Also the thought about the upcoming repairment annoyes me, that's because my friend accidentally broke my machine for making coffee similiar to ones on these pictures and I don't have the extra money at the current moment for buying the new one or making the repairment! <_<

Consider the broken coffee maker a blessing in disguise. Get a french press coffee maker and it will make a great cup of coffee in the same amount of time with much less impact on the environment. 

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Just  had another big argument with my dad he is just not a good person for me to be arouns sometimes and then if we argue he doesnt act rational about it he screams at me and uses his voice an size to intimidate and then vaguely threatens me by holdig over my head that i am financially dependent on him. "You better think carefully about mouthing off to  again in my house" he doesn think hes sexist but he is as he secretly gets really angry whenever my mum or i disagree with him or defy him i used to look up to him so much and hang on his every wprd i thought he was the cleverest man on the planet and now he just disappoints me more an more every year and loses that little bit more of my respect for obviously havin NO resprct for me

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The Wind!!!!

Woke up to find a whole tray of indoor plants blown clear off my window sill, although the more I think about it........the cat's not saying anything either??

So yeah what's annoying me today is the wind.....or the cat....anyways its a mess of leaves and soil all over the chair and carpet Grrrrrr!!


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Broken achievements.

Holy shit, I've spent a total of 50 hours on a single playthrough to get a few achievements, the least Crusader Kings could have done is warn me that my save file was broken (it still claims Ironman works a-OK on it). Instead, those hours were even more of a waste.

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2 hours ago, Theda Baratheon said:

being on holiday with friends and theyre being SO boring and its annoying me and im ending up resentful and i hate it 

I'm down in Blackpool for a week from Sunday. Not a problem, though, because I'm going with my sister and her family. And I get to buy lots of yummy rock.

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On Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 0:39 PM, Theda Baratheon said:

Just  had another big argument with my dad he is just not a good person for me to be arouns sometimes and then if we argue he doesnt act rational about it he screams at me and uses his voice an size to intimidate and then vaguely threatens me by holdig over my head that i am financially dependent on him. "You better think carefully about mouthing off to  again in my house" he doesn think hes sexist but he is as he secretly gets really angry whenever my mum or i disagree with him or defy him i used to look up to him so much and hang on his every wprd i thought he was the cleverest man on the planet and now he just disappoints me more an more every year and loses that little bit more of my respect for obviously havin NO resprct for me

It is hard to respect  some one who does not reciprocate.  I think I was in my 30's before I reconnected with my father. Distance does seem to help, and time. I would be surprised if your dad was not sexist as growing up when he did, it was almost impossible to avoid. I credit my shyness for ridding myself of most of my sexist impulses as I thought being more in tune with what women were talking about would  make it easier to talk with them. Stay strong. 

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For months now i have that kind of weird disease that doctor cant understand and cure its like if an insect crawled under my skin and in my eyes and in my brain, it gave me headache itchy face and im really tired of it, its the most hurtful and disgusting  things that happended to me

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My toenails... it's past time to clip them, and I hate clipping them.  So annoying.  At least they grow much slower than fingernails; I can't imagine having to clip them that frequently. 

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Newspaper and media use of the word "secret" when they really mean "private" - e.g. Victoria Wood's secret battle with cancer; the Queen's secret garden at Windsor Castle.  'Secret' of course indicating there is something sordidly underhand, and helps sell newspapers/drive clicks on websites.

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I know I talked about English language courses somewhere, but ugggggh - I hate these - I'll be paying almost $300 to do the IELTS exam *again*. Never mind that I've already done this exam 4/5 years ago. Why do these stupid tests have expiry dates? Unfortunately, to get a student visa to the UK, you *have* to do the IELTS examination, unless you're from a handful of english speaking countries. 

I am frustrated. To say the least. 

For anyone who has not done this sort of test - these are the sort of questions I'll be answering. 

The writing task gives you 40 minutes to write 250 words :huh:

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Some guy booted through my front door during broad fucking daylight to rob my house today. Luckily a neighbor came home and must've spooked the guy because he took a crown royal bag full of change and $50 that were on top of my fridge and left. The neighbor saw the guy leaving my house but assumed it was just a friend stopping over for a visit since I'm recovering from an injury and not back at work. Dude went through some drawers and my closets but took nothing. He left a bag on my couch that had some of my smaller electronics (portable hard drive, ipod) in it but otherwise my house was untouched. At least he didn't trash my house, and somehow didn't take my checkbook or spare set of car keys that were both on top of the fridge as well. Now I get to replace my 4 year old front door tomorrow and drop a few hundred on it. Fucking assholes.

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