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US Politics: Talk Radio Ravings and Other Mindless Mouthing

Tywin Manderly

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OK, I don't care if anyone disagrees with me, but the RNC is so much better than the DNC. The Republicans have a defined stratagy, namely hype up Trump's record. puddle deep as it is, and to laser focus on black voters. They have seen that Trump has actually started to pick up support with black voters, and they probably think that they can get more. The DNC's message came down to Trump bad, Republicans aren't all evil, and everyone who has ever known Joe Biden is dead and he is great at mourning for them.

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45 minutes ago, GrimTuesday said:

OK, I don't care if anyone disagrees with me, but the RNC is so much better than the DNC. 

Grim Tuesday hates Democrats and the sun will rise in the east tomorrow. Thanks for the news update. 

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3 hours ago, Zorral said:

As I posted in the previous US political thread about this balderdash about rural areas not suffering from gun violence etc.   I GREW UP ON A SMALL FAMILY WORKING FARM IN A COMMUNITY, COUNTY, STATE, REGION THAT WAS MOSTLY FAMILIES ON SMALL FAMILY WORKING FARMS. Gun maiming and killing was common, as was violence of all kinds.  Guns and alcohol constantly mixed, and they mixed as well with vehicles.  Little kids were frequently involved.  Not to mention suicide by gun.  The numbers of maimings and deaths were large.  And personally and interfamily and inter social group shootings happened all the time.  Read about the rural South fer pete's sake, then and now.

Plus everybody who didn't grow up or live on a small working family farm, came from one either in his/her own generation or his/her parents' generation.

So my experience calls bs on those claims.


So I call bs about ;how much safe from

I'm not going to argue with your personal experience, but crime rates in general (NEVER SAID IT NEVER HAPPENS - please read) is significantly lower in rural areas. I can't believe I have to explain this. My personal experience has been both in the Midwest and the South and I've only ever even heard of what you experienced except with so-called trailer trash, not evangelical communities. Lower crime is usually the first cited reason for people moving to the suburbs and rural areas. It's the whole basis of Trump's they're coming to get you CRIME CRIME CRIME fear campaign. And I cited stats a few posts above about crime rates being lower. Again. Can't believe I even had to do that.

Repeating, the guns = violence argument doesn't register with rural people because gun ownership is higher and crime rates are lower. To make that harder to swallow, when you account how common guns are with how often they're handled, this makes incidents seem statistically even less significant along with the fact the culture is to blame the person, not the gun. Hence feeling gaslighted and paranoid.

Here's more stats. Recall, gun ownership in rural areas is higher.



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2 minutes ago, Week said:

Grim Tuesday hates Democrats and the sun will rise in the east tomorrow. Thanks for the news update. 

Man, are you even watching this shit? Republicans have been more effective in their messaging. The Democrats did not show any vision outside of Donald Trump is bad and Joe Biden is good, meanwhile the Republicans are interweaving their policy goals with their culture war rhetoric in a way that actually fires up their base.

1 minute ago, Tywin et al. said:

I hate to say it, but dumb Americans will really like this speech, assuming they have the attention span to listen to the rambling mess. 

Yeah, this speech is pretty fucking sleeper, but I think that over all the RNC has been a big success for the Republicans. They had the sickos in the first couple of days, built buzz, then they came in with their "serious" speakers to appeal to the normal "moderate" Republicans and they have even leaned heavily into trying to attract black voters, and to reassure the moderates that they totally aren't part of the racist party with all the black speakers.

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Your hatred for Democrats has seriously impacted your ability to be objective. The majority of your posts are whining about Pelosi's ice cream or Biden picking Clinton or whatever other nonsense. It's fucking old and it ain't insight.

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4 minutes ago, GrimTuesday said:

Yeah, this speech is pretty fucking sleeper, but I think that over all the RNC has been a big success for the Republicans. They had the sickos in the first couple of days, built buzz, then they came in with their "serious" speakers to appeal to the normal "moderate" Republicans and they have even leaned heavily into trying to attract black voters, and to reassure the moderates that they totally aren't part of the racist party with all the black speakers.

No, the RNC was by and large a poor showing. But all they had to do was get a D- to get their supporters on board. Meanwhile, Biden could give you a B+ performance and you'd complain about it. 

That's why the left loses. 

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8 minutes ago, Tywin et al. said:

No, the RNC was by and large a poor showing. But all they had to do was get a D- to get their supporters on board. Meanwhile, Biden could give you a B+ performance and you'd complain about it. 

That's why the left loses. 

I'm not saying that it was actually good, just successful. There were aspects that I thought worked well when you think about the average voter, such as  how they used black speakers, and their appeals to emotions, but over all it was pretty insane and based largely on the same grievance and fear based politics that they always go after, but that is what gets their base hyped and scaring moderate white people is their bread and butter.

For me personally, it didn't do much besides once again reaffirm that Biden has to win but I think that the Republicans exceeded those momentously low expectations more so than the Democrats did theirs.

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Unfortunately I do think this was a bit of a repeat of 2016. Dems hold a good not great convention. Strong on positive message, nice attempt to reach out to swing voters. Perhaps a little light on policy and not as inclusive to the left wing but overall not terrible.

RNC puts on a crazy show that on paper can't possibly appeal to anyone not loony. But it is sure to bring bigger bounce then what Biden will get maybe even secure reelection. Disgusting corrupt display of Federal property but it did look better on TV then the Democratic convention.

Feeling glum. The incessant whining MSNBC isn't helping.

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Republicans have always been relatively good at messaging and Democrats are generally poor at it so this is no surprise. It's easy to control the narrative when you just make shit up constantly.

That said, the little of the RNC I actually watched just felt like it was aimed at firing up the base. Yes, there were a couple of moments that seemed to be aimed at moderates or those undecided motherfuckers with stuff like "See, Trump gave citizenship to brown people, he's not a racist!" or "See, Trump invited a black person, therefor he doesn't hate black people!" but so much of it was just lies and nonsense. It's spectacle and it's designed to be as such because that's what the base wants. I imagine any bounce that Trump gets will simply be from his base getting a shot of adrenaline after seeing Glorious Leader and his cavalcade of ghouls own the libs for 4 days straight.

Any "undecided voter" that watches this shit and thinks, "These guys make some good points" needs to be shot directly into the sun.

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Wait a second. The great RNC? Weren’t the ratings down for the RNC, lower than the DNC? It will be interesting to see what the ratings are for this final night.

i guffawed when I heard Trump attacking the NBA today for it’s protests and cancelled games.  “Their ratings are down!” Just a bunch a black losers!

And ps - if the DNC was such a failure, why was no one saying “Sleepy Joe”? Why is it all of a sudden “Trojan Horse Joe”?

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Interesting public, but anonymous claim on the CDC testing guidelines: https://www.docwirenews.com/docwire-pick/hem-onc-picks/covid-19-update-did-the-white-house-pressure-cdc-to-change-testing-guidelines-while-fauci-underwent-surgery-deaths-in-florida-declining-and-more/

No idea about the bona fides of Docwire News, just popped up on my Google News.


Top Official Says Trump Administration Pressured CDC to Change Testing Guidance

A federal health official said the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was pressured by the upper ranks of the Trump administration to change federal guidelines on COVID-19 testing, per a CNN report. Moreover, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he was in surgery and had no parts of discussing the new directive, which raises the bar on who should get tested, advising that testing isn’t necessary for some asymptomatic individuals. “I was under general anesthesia in the operating room and was not part of any discussion or deliberation regarding the new testing recommendations,” Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

“I am concerned about the interpretation of these recommendations and worried it will give people the incorrect assumption that asymptomatic spread is not of great concern. In fact it is,” Dr. Fauci added.

They literally had to wait until Fauci was unconscious to drive this thing through? Interesting choice of words by Fauci. Concerned about the interpretation of the recommendations. Doesn't directly question the recommendations. I imagine he can't directly criticise the recommendations and keep his job.

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4 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

It sure as shit is if someone has a big ass rifle. What would make you charge someone with a huge gun? When you're probably unarmed?

To the bolded no.

A person lunging at another who was armed does not automatically mean they had a good reason, or acting rationally.


4 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

The kid broke multiple laws and ignored direct police orders before shots rang out.

I’ve acknowledged this.

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10 hours ago, Varysblackfyre321 said:


Him being apart of a militia does not mean people are free to assault a 17 year old boy, nor him being out on curfew give them that right.

Black people have been murdered by the police for far less.

I agree.

Racism is a big-and for that matter not shrinking  problem in the police department.

That doesn’t mean people are legally allowed to curb stomp someone’s head in.

From the videos available he was being attacked prior to being assaulted.

It doesn’t somehow balance the skills.

Even if what you are saying was true-











Certainly not two people and one where you tried and failed.

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33 minutes ago, Fury Resurrected said:

Even if what you are saying was true-











Certainly not two people and one where you tried and failed.

What if the people chasing you have a gun?  I've just seen footage on the NY times website (so assume reputable) that indicates one of those chasing him who was shot in the arm had a handgun. What if the people chasing you had just knocked you to the floor from behind (though its possible from the video I've seen that he just fell as the person caught up to him). 

Lets not beat around the bush, the kid was clearly a wannabe LEO nutjob fantasist who had no business being within 100 miles of that situation and his parents (and your whole political system) have a fuckload to answer for, I hope he gets a very long sentence.  But if you want to be on the side of right, don't ignore the facts FFS, that's what they do.




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