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Community - Season 2, thread 2 [SPOILERS]


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liked this one significantly more than the previous two. pierce with the inkshots. "have fun stacking pillows like a baby." repeated use of "eat fresh."

not a classic, but tons of well-executed bits

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According to Deadline.com, Chase walked off the set on the last day of filming for one of his crucial scenes, which incited Harmon to roast the actor at the show’s wrap party — in front of Chase’s wife and daughter.

Harmon even encouraged the rest of the crew to join in a chant of “f— you” toward Chase, the site reports.

In response, the comedian left Harmon a fiery voicemail, calling the creator, among other things, “fat” and “an alcoholic.”

“I don’t get talked to like that by anyone. Certainly not in front of my wife and daughter you goddamn a—,” Chase ranted in a clip leaked online. “I’ve got nothing to say to you, except you can s— my c—. Is that clear?"...

...“I don’t think I’ll be back on this show again, frankly, between you and me,” he told the Huffington Post. “Depends on what happens. ... This is the only time I’ve ever had to act every week in the same clothes and as the same character, and I don’t find it particularly enlightening.

“It’s not teaching anybody anything.”

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I don't really give a shit about the silly behind-the-scenes feuding if they can keep putting out episodes like this. Like Mina says, Dan Harmon can also be, by his own admission, a prickly egotistical asshole, and it sounds like he's gone out of his way to provoke Chevy. On the other hand, Harmon does get along with the rest of the cast pretty well, while Chevy doesn't seem too. And if push comes to shove, the show can go on pretty easily without Chevy Chase, but it can't without the main creator/showrunner.

The lines that made me laugh the most;

He would later say of the war "It was awesome! But also .... it wasn't?!"

"I'm giving you an All Tomato."

Leonard likes this post.

The list of things that distact Troy (with accompanying pictures)

From Labs to Riches: The Annies Boobs story.

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The parody was very well done and it had some good lines but it did not feel laugh out loud funny at all.

Britta's photography elicited more chuckles than anything else. I know some douchey amateur photographers.

The bits mentioned above were all funny but not that funny. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it.

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"Were you in The Cape?"


Within 5 seconds I knew that was Keith David narrating. I've watched so much of the History channel (and Military Channel. and Military History channel, and...) to know it was him. He has one of the best voices in Hollywood.

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The parody was very well done and it had some good lines but it did not feel laugh out loud funny at all. Britta's photography elicited more chuckles than anything else. I know some douchey amateur photographers. The bits mentioned above were all funny but not that funny. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it.

Yeah I agree it wasn't as laugh out loud funny as some Community episodes but it was thoroughly entertaining throughout and one of the better episodes they've done. It was committed to the Ken Burns homage in a way the show usually doesn't have the patience for but that made it work.

The parts that made me laugh were the lengthy explanation of how North Cafeteria got its name and finding out Leonard fought in the Korean War on the North Korean side.

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It fell a tiny bit flat for me as well. Great in terms of the jokes, but a bit too disordered and heartless in terms of the actual plot and characters, I think (yes, I realize it was a 21 minute long comedy parody. Still.) They had the Troy-Abed feud, which should have been what it's all about, emotionally, and instead they make it about Annie and Jeff and his precious emotional growth, again. (It could just be that I kind of hate Annie/Jeff and don't find Jeff that interesting in general.)

Oh, and Remedial Chaos Theory got a Hugo nomination! I'm sure that will revolutionize the ratings...

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I'm worried that this show will descend (or has already) into an empty hipster parade. If it's just a series of ironic homages without offering any coherent statement of its own then it moves from "must watch" to "catch up on for chuckles when I have some time to fill".

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Yeah, it used to be able to make some pretty brutal commentary on normality and alienation and loneliness, that often underlay all the geek references (delightful as those are) and occasionaly at its very best could kind of you make you squirm a bit uncomfortably as a geek, and there doesn't seem to be that much of it lately.

ETA - I may be taking all this too seriously.

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I think a lot of it has to do with the changes in the writing team. Basically all the writers from seasons 1 and 2 are now gone, and the current writers are from stuff like Family Guy and the new Simpsons. That's why there's now a lot of randum xD humour, like the cartoon thought bubbles and Jeff's cartoon heart.

I find myself become quite disillusioned with Community. I've been trying to enjoy it and defend this season, but since it came back from hiatus the problems are becoming all too clear. This should have been an epic episode, but it just fell flat for me. I do realise I am in disagreement with the board's general sentiment about this according to some of the above posts. Jeff's letter and reveal that he went to the Dean's office to get the fake hats was heartwarming, the rest of the episode, especially the war itself, were nowhere near as good as they should be. It's a war between Troy and Abed, it should have been amazing. They forgave each other way too easily after the particularly hurtful things they said about one another.

The main problem about this season is that it hasn't been anywhere near as funny. I can count on one hand the times I've laughed out loud since the show came back from hiatus. This is an issue that I attribute to the crappy new writers, so hopefully it can be remedied down the line.

The main reason this show remains a must-watch for me is the characters I've grown to know and love, but the writers even seem to be ruining that. The last three weeks have all had Jeff being arrogant or selfish and then learning something and growing as a person. What is this, season 1? It's like all that character growth was for nothing. Britta they've taken a bit too far in her regression into being shit. Pierce isn't funny any more because they can't think of any good lines for him. Troy has gone from being the funniest character in season 2 and having the beginnings of a kind of rivalry/mutual respect thing with Jeff to being Abed's silly best friend and doing silly things with him. They clearly don't know what to do with Annie, especially with regards to her relationship with Jeff. They are unwilling to end the J/A sexual tension but also unwilling to act on it, which seems rather cowardly writing. Do it or don't. And Chang... most ruined character ever.

The last thing I'm going to whinge about is the repetition of jokes. The blanket fort was a funny side story in one episode, so they make a two-parter about it. Inspector Spacetime was a small side story joke that Doctor Who fans enjoyed so they mention it every damn episode. The "evil timeline" gets a cult following so they bring that back. The Dreamatorium is going to get it's own episode too. I think a lot of this is Dan Harmon's fault for spending too much time on Twitter and Reddit. Some gag gets a cult following so he runs it into the ground.

Also, minor gripe: where is Michael K Williams?

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I'm worried that this show will descend (or has already) into an empty hipster parade. If it's just a series of ironic homages without offering any coherent statement of its own then it moves from "must watch" to "catch up on for chuckles when I have some time to fill".

what does this show have to do with hipsters?

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I've liked some of Community's more silly, cartoonish moments since its return. It took itself too seriously before. It's a comedy. Yes, it should be clever, and should challenge our perceptions of humor, but honestly, a bit of silliness is good for a show. I like Big Bang Theory. It's not as well-constructed as Community, it's not as clever, but it makes me laugh. You know why I stopped watching How I Met Your Mother? It stopped being funny. You know why Friends was never on my "Must Watch" list? It wasn't funny. Community, this week, made me laugh, while making me care about the characters. That's a good combination. It wasn't the best episode ever. But, there weer enough moments of humor or emotional connection to make me care.

Heart Oregon Trail Annie

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