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Walking Dead Season 5 (No Comic Spoilers)


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Just saw the Talking Dead preview for next week...

Could that have actually been Beth, or did Carol make a new friend in the hospital? They wouldn't give away Beth's death in a spoiler, right?

Also, if I had a Zombieland list of rules for surviving the apocalypse, somewhere in the top five or so would be, "slow the fuck down when you're driving!" In a world where the biggest threat to survival are shambling corpses with a top speed of 1 or 2 mph, there is never a reason to be driving at present day speed limits. Yet it never fails that as soon as people get behind the wheel of a vehicle they go tearing off at some ridiculously unnecessary speed and blow a tire, or swerve to avoid something and crash, needlessly.

Lol yes... Abe just gunning it down the road thinking about a past life. Next thing you know -- pandemonium!

It happens way too often.

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Eugene's admission makes sense given the show has never offered the slightest hint that their may be a solution.

It also gives the writers an out, they don't have to follow through with that plot thread. But with an indefinite run time show you somehow have to give the illusion that the plot is progressing.

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Ha, Eugene's a goober. Called it, without spoilers. The stuff he said in the traincar to "prove" himself to them was phrased in the same way a bum's ravings would make you say "huh?"

It can't be Beth in the fire next week for the reason of: ...."Nawww!!!"

And the reason it could be Beth: they were playing really cool background music for the burning... would they waste that great soundtrack on some non-Beth stranger's death?

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Well I for one was rooting for the bogun being the real deal. Ah well, back to ze church I s'pose. I hope this fragmentation ends by the halfway mark of the season. Sounds like we've got at least 2 more episodes of divergent plotlines.

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I knew it!!!

I knew Eugene was full of it. His answers were just too general and there was too many classifieds in there.

I'm thinking that there's something up with Abraham's hand... they focused on it an awful lot... maybe Walker blood got mixed in?

Maybe,it would be the second time they played with mixing infected blood/meat with living people in last couple of episodes. With Bob's tainted meat they didn't follow trough,maybe they won't here either.

Just saw the Talking Dead preview for next week...

Could that have actually been Beth, or did Carol make a new friend in the hospital? They wouldn't give away Beth's death in a spoiler, right?

Naaaah no way...my theory is that it's some random kid and it meant a lot to Carol to burn the body because of other dead girls in her life...Also it appears Carol got caought on purpose there.

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"Dolphin smooth" - that was a pretty frightening concept. Good episode but the show is back to split up stories with nothing much to advance the main party past survival mode.

This group needs some sort of goal. Hell, this series needs some sort of goal. If I had a group the plan would be to think things through and then head to the place that made the most sense. All big cities on the East Coast would be overwhelmed, too much population. But I assume that the President and at least some other bigwigs would have been evacuated to safety, like Cheyenne Mountain. I assume that the Stargate is still working and O'Neil has kept things operational...oops, tangent. Sorry. But whatever. None of these characters are thinking long term, thinking effectively. Shit, if I had been Rick after the prison collapsed I would have taken off to the Gov's old suburban paradise. It wouldn't have been that difficult to clean out the walkers and man the walls again. But no, this series just staggers along like a zombie, aimless, focusing on the guts and gore while the writer's room comes up with more ways to keep the series going and the advertising dollars flowing.

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"Dolphin smooth" - that was a pretty frightening concept. Good episode but the show is back to split up stories with nothing much to advance the main party past survival mode.

This group needs some sort of goal. Hell, this series needs some sort of goal. If I had a group the plan would be to think things through and then head to the place that made the most sense. All big cities on the East Coast would be overwhelmed, too much population. But I assume that the President and at least some other bigwigs would have been evacuated to safety, like Cheyenne Mountain. I assume that the Stargate is still working and O'Neil has kept things operational...oops, tangent. Sorry. But whatever. None of these characters are thinking long term, thinking effectively. Shit, if I had been Rick after the prison collapsed I would have taken off to the Gov's old suburban paradise. It wouldn't have been that difficult to clean out the walkers and man the walls again. But no, this series just staggers along like a zombie, aimless, focusing on the guts and gore while the writer's room comes up with more ways to keep the series going and the advertising dollars flowing.

Yup, the only sensible solution is to evacuate the survivors to the Alpha Site. :P

I agree that they need a goal, and maybe Washington should be their destination. But it's hard when they can barely make it a dozen miles without getting into some kind of trouble.

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This group needs some sort of goal.

The group has had plans, though. Their first real plan was to find a safe place to stay, and they had that at the prison for a while. When that went to shit and the whole group was scattered, each individual group planned on going to Terminus. Now their plan is to go to Washington. So while, yeah, the show has been a clusterfuck of gore and random staggering here and there, its not for lack of planning by the group.

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thought this episode was pretty weak, the worst of the season so far. nothing too notable happend, besides eugene revealing the truth. kinda over the separate storylines as well, seems to just drag out the episodes. was interested to learn more about abraham, but what did we really learn? he was extremely violent in the past(shocker), he lost some ones he loved(no way), for all the flashbacks they show feel like the couldve accomplished it in one. found his whole we gotta keep moving act tiring and made me pissed off, feel like his character lost any interest i had in him after this week.

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I liked it. It had zombies being ripped apart by a fireman's hose (props to Eugene for that one, at least), dolphin-smooth sex, Eugene finally getting popped a good one after he yammers about how smart he is one too many times, some nice bus flipping (how they came out of THAT one with just bumps and scrapes, I have NO idea, but it's TWD, so y'know) a touching moment between Glen and Maggie, and speaking of Glen - that guy's got some clanking balls if he goes chest to chest with Abraham. He's seriously scary.

Seriously, I was glad the question of Eugene's SCIENTIST! status was finally put to rest. But now they've got to drag their asses all the way back to the church - from which everyone will have gone because they're going to rescue Beth.

It's the only thing on television I look forward to besides American Horror Story, which is a distant second.

ETA: And, yeah, it was the weakest one so far this season, but the others were so awesome it's hardly a fair comparison.

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The show does have goals. It's not a mystery goal, like find the cure. It's not a plot goal, like kill all the zombies, or kill a specific bad guy, or kill al the bad guys. Any story where any character can die at any time, or that they can ever transfer a plotline for a character in one medium to a different character in a different medium (like Dale in the comics to Bob on tv) is never about the plot. It's character and setting goals, like finding out what kind of people can survive this sort of apocalypse, and how far will they go morally, how they relate to each other and what kind of society can they build that does better than merely survive.

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Like someone said up-thread it could end up that their goal remains to get to DC.

Eugene said (and I'm paraphrasing here) that real reason for wanting to go there was that he believes that Washington is perhaps the most likely place in the US where things might not have been overrun. Eugene may be a liar and manipulative but I do think he is legitimately pretty smart. He'd have to be to have convinced all those people for so long. And there is a good chance that he is right about DC and maybe it is still worth a look.

It's not like they have any other great options at this point. We know that Atlanta is in ruins. Noah mentioned in last weeks' episode that Richmond, Virginia had walls and that he only left there to go and find his uncle when he ended up losing his dad and getting tied up with the psycho cops at the hospital. Perhaps heading north is still the best course of action for the group.

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Like someone said up-thread it could end up that their goal remains to get to DC.

Eugene said (and I'm paraphrasing here) that real reason for wanting to go there was that he believes that Washington is perhaps the most likely place in the US where things might not have been overrun. Eugene may be a liar and manipulative but I do think he is legitimately pretty smart. He'd have to be to have convinced all those people for so long. And there is a good chance that he is right about DC and maybe it is still worth a look.

It's not like they have any other great options at this point. We know that Atlanta is in ruins. Noah mentioned in last weeks' episode that Richmond, Virginia had walls and that he only left there to go and find his uncle when he ended up losing his dad and getting tied up with the psycho cops at the hospital. Perhaps heading north is still the best course of action for the group.

I don't know that I agree that heading north is the best option. The only thing worse than trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse has to be surviving it in a winter storm.

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DC (well, Manhattan) is the last place I'd go to survive. It's a big metro death trap with no redeeming qualities, even when humans still lived there. DC's only claim to fame was that's where you went to get ahead in human society----there is no human society anymore. So whatever DC had to offer has expired and the intense fight for the survival tunnels & bunkers has long since played out. The winners aren't letting any Johnny Come Lately's in to join them just to eat up the food rations faster. And why would you want to be eaten by a lobbyist zombie? That's worse than being killed by a farmer zombie or a cubicle worker zombie. Going to DC and having to deal with political zombies before you die is like losing twice.

Hey... does the hot weather in Phoenix dry out their zombies faster so they're already turning to ash and unable to stand anymore? Then just travel with that firetruck full of water and you're set. Or maybe the Florida Keys unless that's the ultimate nightmare location where the waves keep washing more dead ashore in the currents each day. You'd have to look at an ocean map carefully before selecting an island paradise safely away from the path of drifting dead.

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If it were me I would be tempted to go west. Go somewhere with less trees. Georgia is actually a terrible place to be for zombie apocalypse times. as is most of the east coast. It's pretty much all woods from Maine to Florida with the exception of the cities... and as we've seen from Atlanta, urban environments aren't too kosher either.

I'd try to set up shop in a compound in the plains or in the desert. You could set up a perimeter and have clear line of sight for miles. You could set up several defensive rings. Just need to have a source of water nearby. Also there would be less population density presumably meaning less walkers and less competition from other humans.

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