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What is the beverage you just drank or are drinking or are about to drink?

Larry of the Lawn

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Stella has no flavour! Even the brewery confirm this. Stop lying to yourself. Or tell me what it tastes of (apart from regret and disappointment).

Had a good and ice cold one in the shower last night. Nothing remotely regrettable or disappointing about that experience.

I love a quality beer but also at times just enjoy pouring something fizzy, chilled and vaguely alcoholic down my gullet.

We did share a nice Samuel Smith chocolate stout after dinner though. It was nice.

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Had a good and ice cold one in the shower last night. Nothing remotely regrettable or disappointing about that experience.

I love a quality beer but also at times just enjoy pouring something fizzy, chilled and vaguely alcoholic down my gullet.

We did share a nice Samuel Smith chocolate stout after dinner though. It was nice.

Yeah, not saying people shouldn't drink it. I'm just saying that it doesn't have any flavour. If there is a time and a place for eating rubbish food, there must also be a place for rubbish drink too.

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Stella has no flavour! Even the brewery confirm this. Stop lying to yourself. Or tell me what it tastes of (apart from regret and disappointment).

It just tastes of lager. I'm not lying to myself. You're coming in at this with the assumption that I drink to experience all sorts of flavours and textures and stuff which isn't the case. Stella doesn't taste of regret and disappointment either. I experience neither of those things when drinking it.

I drink lager because its significantly cheaper than "proper beer", gives me a little bit of a relaxed buzz which I enjoy and sometimes helps to destress me after work.

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It just tastes of lager. I'm not lying to myself. You're coming in at this with the assumption that I drink to experience all sorts of flavours and textures and stuff which isn't the case. Stella doesn't taste of regret and disappointment either. I experience neither of those things when drinking it.

I drink lager because its significantly cheaper than "proper beer", gives me a little bit of a relaxed buzz which I enjoy and sometimes helps to destress me after work.

I get what you mean.

Around here Stella (Artois?) is not a cheap beer, but it's definitely cheaper than "proper beers" (artesanal beers I bet). Almost any industrial beer will have lower quality than a good artesanal one, but that doesn't mean it's "bad". In fact, most people rarely drink any other kind of beer rather than the popular industrial brands.

I personally find Stella a bit bitter, but that's me, there's nothing wrong with the beer. Tastes are tastes, and there are moments in life that any cold beer just tastes fantastic.

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Had a good and ice cold one in the shower last night. Nothing remotely regrettable or disappointing about that experience.

I love a quality beer but also at times just enjoy pouring something fizzy, chilled and vaguely alcoholic down my gullet.

We did share a nice Samuel Smith chocolate stout after dinner though. It was nice.

Couldn't agree more! "To every brew there is a season" :cheers:

I recently picked up a couple of Deschutes' Reserve series brews to try soon: Mirror Mirror barley wine and Not the Stoic quad. Both fairly high ABV and the Mirror Mirror's IBUs might be a little high for my tastes but I like Deschutes so, what the hell, I'll give it a try.

Also, I love Samuel Smith's stuff that I've tried!

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Tonight I will be going to the store to pick up some lemons, sugar, and gin for delicious gin, cucumber lemonade. Squeeze 5 lemons, muddle the juice and lemon rinds w/ 1/2 cup of sugar, remove and re-squeeze the rinds, add 4 cups of water, stir until sugar is dissolved, strain, add 1-2 sliced cucumbers and let sit for an hour. Add 700ml of gin and serve over ice.

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Earlier, I had the Field Mouse's Farewell saison from Pretty Things. It's an annual release and it was delightful as always.

Currently drinking the Brett Farmhouse ale from Transmitter Brewing. I picked up two Transmitter bottles yesterday: this and their (sour) Golden Ale. The Farmhouse Brett is nice, though a bit overwhelming with esters of all stripes. The Golden Ale was brilliant -- moderately tart and fairly dry, it's incredibly refreshing for something up around 6%. Mostly I'm excited to finally find good beer brewed in Queens.

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