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Yeah, to be clear I don't really mind copying things per se as long as they're fun - and Ori is fun. I was mostly remarking that they took almost verbatim the bash mechanic from Ori. Now if you're going to steal something that's one of the best things to steal - it's an amazing gameplay addition that adds massive complexity and deep choices. 

But to do it with the actual arrow-looking thing and the direction and everything? That's pretty brazen. 


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Any World of Warcraft players here?

I don’t play, but I have a question. 

A few days ago I asked my older brother for a favor. The favor would’ve taken 3 hours at most, but he said he couldn’t take the time because “He had a raid”

Is missing one raid in WoW a gamebreaker? Would it have ruined his character forever?

Or was he just being an asshole?



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Depends on how serious his raising guild is. I haven’t played in about ten years but at one point my wife and I were in a top 200ish world wide raiding guild. It’s not that it would have ruined his character. But depending on his guild it could hurt his standing with them. Basically some guilds are like jobs. So replace skip raid with skip job. But I am woefully out of touch with raids in wow now and don’t know if they’re still a big thing.

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10 minutes ago, A True Kaniggit said:

Is missing one raid in WoW a gamebreaker? Would it have ruined his character forever?

Or was he just being an asshole?

I also haven't played WoW in ages but I do still raid in other games and I feel like broadly speaking it's still the same sorta thing.

No and no, but it also probably doesn't necessarily make him an asshole.

Bailing on a raid at no notice can also be a dick move - raiding is basically a team sport, and depending on the seriousness of the group and difficulty of the content, as well as the role of the person who is gonna be unavailable, having one person step out on no notice can vary from "we have plenty of people who can take your slot" to "I guess none of us get to play tonight (or even this whole week, depending on how often the group raids)."  There's also the social element, some groups are close-knit friends whereas others are all business, so that can make an impact on how willing someone is to just drop plans to do something else.

I'd say it depends on the favour as much as anything else. If you needed him to drive you to the hospital and he's a dps player in a very casual raid group then yeah he's probably an asshole. If you wanted him to come mow your lawn and he's main tank for a mythic raid group then not so much.

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17 hours ago, IlyaP said:

Something new is on the horizon from the Crowbar Collective (courtesy of PCGamer). It's entirely likely that it's their Blue Shift remake, which they did say was in the pipeline for development after work on Black Mesa concluded.


I believe a different team is making Blue Shift and looking into Opposing Force. This would appear to be an all-new IP using Unreal Engine.

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Agreed on the discussion of raids. When WoW was still in vanilla, I was in a world-class raiding guild (Elitist Jerks on Mal'Ganis, formed from the Something Awful forums) and I prioritized our major raids over both my college classes and my girlfriend. Grades suffered and I spent many nights doting on the ex to make up for being a dickhead, but you're God damn right that when we were, I forget, like top 25 first in the world do defeat Lucifron I consider it one of the best nights of my life.

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31 minutes ago, Ser Not Appearing said:


Sorry. Don't know what came over me.

I played on Laughing Skull.  We had a good raiding guild, but not on the level of Deus Vox or Pals 4 Life.  Our hunter group leader took an invite to P4L and I used to tag along sometimes on the PvP groups with Leeroy and the others.

But yes... the biggest high I ever had in gaming was the night we took down Nefarion for the first time.  I was the back up tank.  The main tank died and I picked up the aggro.  We had a dwarf priest giving me fear ward for most of the fight (the dragon would stomp, the screen would shake, and everyone would get feared.  If the main tank got feared, the dragon turned and breathed firey death on all the squishy cloth wearers off to the side.)  Our priest died somehow with about 12% to go and I had to stance dance (switch stances to berserker where you take more damage, pop an ability that breaks fear, and then switch back to defensive stance before you get whacked) that entire ending sequence.  Knowing that if I messed up once, all 40 of us were going to die... It was intense.

Count me in as someone who absolutely sacrificed a marriage on the altar of WoW.  (Ironically... she played and raided too!)  There's something about not letting down 39 other people knowing that if you don't log in, the raid might not go.

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8 minutes ago, Rhom said:

... I used to tag along sometimes on the PvP groups with Leeroy and the others.




I guess I never looked into it but I figured that guy had to be a troll, a random tag-along or a noob to the fights of some sort. I never once believed he was a legitimate player.

If he was experienced, what the hell did he charge in for?

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I, too, was a bigtime raider though not at all at those levels; the most serious guild I got into was Casually Serious which turned into Skunkworks, and their thing was doing hardcore raiding but only 8 hours a week. We joked that it was a halfway house for the addicts on the road to recovery. I think our best was getting Lich King like in the 200s, when he had the 25% boost only. 

And yeah, raids are srs bsns. It's like asking someone to drop a major social event. Your character won't be hosed or anything but you'll be seen as more of a flake, and you may be kicked out of the guild. That's not as big a deal as it used to be thanks to filthy casuals but for a number of people it's quite a big deal, and finding a new guild to join and play with can be quite hard. Plus, ya know ,these people are friends too. 

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2 minutes ago, Ser Not Appearing said:




I guess I never looked into it but I figured that guy had to be a troll, a random tag-along or a noob to the fights of some sort. I never once believed he was a legitimate player.

If he was experienced, what the hell did he charge in for?

Oh he was their main paladin.  Did a lot of PvP.

He charged in for the video... it was totally a set up.  Now whether everyone in the group that night was in on it or not, I don't know.

He wound up having to play on an alt for a long time though because he would get bombarded with messages from people creating characters on the server just to see if he was on.

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3 minutes ago, Kalbear said:

Plus, ya know ,these people are friends too. 

Yeah, there were a handful of guys in our guild that were from the Columbus area.  One weekend, we were meeting a friend of mine from Youngstown and the night before he got in town we met up with the Night Elf warrior twins and a gnome rogue.  Also met up with another group in Nashville a couple months later.

There are several old guildmates that I still have on Facebook that I keep at least casually in touch with.

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Well the raid leader in the all-time classic P4L Leeroy UBRS run definitely was in on it as well. His entire pre-run speech was hilarious. Now whether he, Leeroy and a couple others were in on it and left the rest in the dark to run around the egg room like maniacs isn't something I recall or not.

On this note, my coworkers at my bar have been running a DnD campaign on Wednesdays while I bartend. I wanted to jump in but not have a full character, so the DM and I created an NPC that occasionally (ie when it's slow near closing time) jumps into the fray. My guy is a berserker named Warboy Leeroy who yearns for glorious death in battle (so I can return to the bar). I've survived three nights in a row so I'm pretty pissed off.

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Looks like Skyrim [Enhanced/Anniversary Edition] is outperforming Starfield on Steam. 


Maybe once it becomes easier to mod Starfield, and indie designers can go nuts, the game'll find a new voice. And hopefully that'll happen, as the game looks to have potential, but just feels 20 years out of date. 

Meanwhile, modders are still adding amazing quality of life features to Skyrim, including a modder named JK, who's breathed an amazing amount of life into all of the holds, making the game feel brand new to me even after 500 hours of gametime. 

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Meanwhile my go-to approach to MMOs ist to avoid other players and play them like a single-player game. This exact stuff and its pressures is just too much for me. I actually turned down a random guild invitation in Elder Scrolls Online because I knew I will eventually get bored and flake. I was in a "fleet" in Star Trek Online, contributed to our Starbase, actually somehow won the competition for naming that Starbase, attended one meeting and one time helped with another guy some newbies out with leveling their characters but otherwise mostly just focused on doing the story. Of course I haven't logged in in years specifically because I want to avoid acknowledging the Discovery stuff they added and found the end of the Iconian War to be a quite fitting conclusion to the story.


Meanwhile my gaming OCD continues. I still tried to play a bit of Settlers 4 here and there to relax (and to pat my back for making it run on Windows 11, somehow), but now got an odd itch for Battlestar Galactica. I ended up installing BSG Deadlock, whihc I owned for quite some time as part of a bundle, but never got around to playing it. I must admit, I thought the premise a bit daunting, but now that I played the first few missions, it reminds me quite a lot of the naval battles in Empire Total War, just with forced pauses. And that's a very favorable comparison. It is quite fun to stay on an Cylon's tail and within your firing arcs and hammer their weak points/making them eat nukes until they are down.

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8 hours ago, IlyaP said:

Looks like Skyrim [Enhanced/Anniversary Edition] is outperforming Starfield on Steam. 


Maybe once it becomes easier to mod Starfield, and indie designers can go nuts, the game'll find a new voice. And hopefully that'll happen, as the game looks to have potential, but just feels 20 years out of date. 

Meanwhile, modders are still adding amazing quality of life features to Skyrim, including a modder named JK, who's breathed an amazing amount of life into all of the holds, making the game feel brand new to me even after 500 hours of gametime. 


Huge miss for Starfield not to have more QoL updates and modding focus by now. Just ... self-defeating.

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15 hours ago, IlyaP said:

Looks like Skyrim [Enhanced/Anniversary Edition] is outperforming Starfield on Steam. 

Not bad for a game that's 13 years old (as old as my nephew, bloody hell)

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