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People who cruise in the passing lane

Ser Scot A Ellison

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I know two wrongs don't make a right. However, I find it utterly necessary to cut off a left lane blocker on the right with my blinker going on. Perhaps my douche move makes them aware of their douche move.

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I hate when I am in the left lane about to pass someone, and some fucker comes speeding up behind me, darts around me on the right, and cuts me off. Often the only thing preventing an accident is me hitting my brakes and letting loose a volley of cussing and rude gestures. Grrr. But yeah, don't stay in the left lane unless you are going faster than the lane to its right!

I can't stand leap froggers. I get over, I pass, I get back in front of them...and then they pass me and get in front of me, and slow down so I have to pass them again. This happens when I am driving with my cruise on so I know that I'm not the one fluctuating!! Gah it drives me nuts.

Goodness knows I am not the best driver in the world, but compared to some people...

I did get pulled over once for passing too slowly in the left lane. It was in the backwoods of Texas, and I had my cruise control on. I was only going 1-2 mph faster than the truck, but I was feeling too lazy to mess with my cruise.

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What I'm mainly getting from this thread is an indication that the majority of American motorways are only two-lane.

Welcome to the TransCanada Highway in northwest Ontario, a single-lane highway with the occasional passing lane. Luckily, when I drove it the other week, drivers were pretty respectful when someone was passing.

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I agree OP, there are few things more annoying to me than slow passing lane drivers. The best is when they start braking on the highway for no reason. It makes me insane. Just be courteous and get over. I drive pretty fast but if someone is coming up on me in the passing lane I get over no matter what, it's not too hard.

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I found lane hoggers to be a huge issue in the UK where people would be sitting in the right hand lane (driving on the left makes everything weird :P ) even though they really didn't need to be and were not doing the speed limit. Often you'd find, on a two lane motorway that people would drive side by side, doing the same speed, and the lane hogger in the right hand lane really wouldn't care.

In Sweden that sort of beaviour would have me flash my full beams or even use my horn, but according to my SO that is not the Done Thing in the UK, so I'd just facepalm and hope for Divine Intervention or something.

Now granted, I mostly drove in the southeast, M23 and the southern part of the M25 where the amount of tossers on the roads is probably disproportionately high. The M25 is also facepalm inducing at the best of times. You see people reversing on the hard shoulder during rush hour, beemers weaving in and out of lanes at way too high speed etc.

In Sweden it tends to be lorries overtaking eachother blocking up the lanes. Normally traffic here is lighter in general so it rarely has any huge effects. Nearer the lain city areas people tend to be a bit more suave as well. Here in redneck country, you tend to get an insane amount of bad driving, but normally they tend to stick to the slow lane on the motorway if they even go out on it. It will after all take you away from redneckville and who'd like that??

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I found lane hoggers to be a huge issue in the UK where people would be sitting in the right hand lane (driving on the left makes everything weird :P ) even though they really didn't need to be and were not doing the speed limit. Often you'd find, on a two lane motorway that people would drive side by side, doing the same speed, and the lane hogger in the right hand lane really wouldn't care.

In Sweden that sort of beaviour would have me flash my full beams or even use my horn, but according to my SO that is not the Done Thing in the UK, so I'd just facepalm and hope for Divine Intervention or something.

It's totally the done thing in the UK, flash your lights, use your horn or just undertake them, all the while shouting obscenities at them and hoping they can lip read, or maybe I just have unresolved anger issues.

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It's totally the done thing in the UK, flash your lights, use your horn or just undertake them, all the while shouting obscenities at them and hoping they can lip read, or maybe I just have unresolved anger issues.

Indeed, that's what I do.

We have had the ones in the slow lane doing 65 who accelerate to 80 when you pull out and start overtaking, so I will just add my rant about the ones who do 80 in the slow lane, pull out to overtake some slow moving lorry, and slow down to only just faster than the lorry while they are doing so. Then they speed up again once they are past and back in the slow lane.

But the worst of all are the ****** who do 30 on slip roads up to a motorway of vehicles doing 70, and then only start speeding up once they are on the motorway. In the rush hour this is insanely dangerous, because there is a queue of other cars forced down to 30 stuck behind them, who are then forced to merge in as a block with solid traffic going twice as fast.


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But the worst of all are the ****** who do 30 on slip roads up to a motorway of vehicles doing 70, and then only start speeding up once they are on the motorway. In the rush hour this is insanely dangerous, because there is a queue of other cars forced down to 30 stuck behind them, who are then forced to merge in as a block with solid traffic going twice as fast.


Those people are just outright dangerous, that's the whole point of a slip road, to get up to Motorway speed!!.

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But the worst of all are the ****** who do 30 on slip roads up to a motorway of vehicles doing 70, and then only start speeding up once they are on the motorway. In the rush hour this is insanely dangerous, because there is a queue of other cars forced down to 30 stuck behind them, who are then forced to merge in as a block with solid traffic going twice as fast.


Oh, don't get me started on that topic. So very few people know how to merge properly. My drive home involves exiting off the highway onto a loop that has a few merges before shooting me out onto the main route. I routinely find people slowing to a stop at the merge point instead of blending smoothly in. Drives me bonkers.

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I obviously don't do that but there are a bunch of places near me where there is almost no opportunity to get up to speed -- there's a tight curve on the ramp followed by a very short merge lane before it's an exit back to where you were again.

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It's totally the done thing in the UK, flash your lights, use your horn or just undertake them, all the while shouting obscenities at them and hoping they can lip read, or maybe I just have unresolved anger issues.

Hahaha, I'll tell my husband. I've been doing it for years here, so it always felt forced to me to grumble in silence while over there! Now when I am back up north I horn people and flash them as much as I want. :lol:

I totally did the undertaking thing in the UK as well. Without it, driving up the M23/A23 would be unbearable.

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I know it's not the popular thing, but I really do tend to cut other drivers a lot of slack. If someone's going too slowly, while irritating, I figure they're scared stiff and don't know how to get over. I just cruise around them.

If everyone just mellowed out a little bit, their blood pressure would thank them for it.

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The M25 is also facepalm inducing at the best of times.

The M25 is one of the circles of hell. It is known. But we have some

My least favourite road users are the total bastards that indicate that they're staying on a roundabout and then turn off without changing the indicator. Absolutely lethal, they are.

But anyway y'all should have a go on Polish roads sometimes, it's fun! >_>

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The M25 is one of the circles of hell. It is known. But we have some

Many phenomena -- wars, plagues, sudden audits -- have been advanced as evidence for the hidden hand of Satan in the affairs of Man, but whenever students of demonology get together the M25 London orbital motorway is generally agreed to be among the top contenders for Exhibit A.

Where they go wrong, of course, is in assuming that the wretched road is evil simply because of the incredible carnage and frustration it engenders every day.

In fact, very few people on the face of the planet know that the very shape of the M25 forms the sigil odegra in the language of the Black Priesthood of Ancient Mu, and means, "Hail the Great Beast, Devourer of Worlds." The thousands of motorists who daily fume their way around its serpentine lengths have the same effect as water on a prayer wheel, grinding out an endless fog of low-grade evil to pollute the metaphysical atmosphere for scores of miles around.

It was one of Crowley's better achievements. It had taken years to achieve, and had involved three computer hacks, two break-ins, one minor bribery and, on one wet night when all else had failed, two hours in a squelchy field shifting the marker pegs a few but occultly incredibly significant meters. When Crowley had watched the first thirty-mile-long tailback he'd experienced the lovely warm feeling of a bad job well done.

Gaiman and Pratchett, "Good Omens"

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The M25 is one of the circles of hell. It is known. But we have some

OMG I miss watching the Beeb in the morning before going to work! *is sad*.

My least favourite road users are the total bastards that indicate that they're staying on a roundabout and then turn off without changing the indicator. Absolutely lethal, they are.

Yeah, although here I think the UK drivers are mostly*** well behaved compared to their Swedish equivalents where roundabout indication (or mostly lack thereof) is an impenetrable jungle of major Arse.

But anyway y'all should have a go on Polish roads sometimes, it's fun! >_>

I'm afraid to try it now!! :lol:

*** not to say I haven't had some near misses there too, but at least they knew which way to give way to, which the people in Redneckville, south Sweden have yet to master. I swear I use my horn every sodding time I come to a roundabout here and the only reason my car is still mostly in one piece (it only got dented while parked cos someone "didn't see it there") is cos people here also drive extremely slowly, apart from driving badly.

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OMG I miss watching the Beeb in the morning before going to work! *is sad*.

Isn't that what your computer is for?

I'm afraid to try it now!! :lol:


In fairness there are some conventions that are really good - like if you're driving on a standard single-lane road and you've got a car coming up behind you, you get over as far to the verge as possible so they can overtake you more easily, which almost everyone does.

But when they're insane, they're really insane.

Although not as insane as Russia, as you only have to enter 'Russia dashboard cam' into youtube to find out.

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