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  2. Black pudding is one of those rare times that being blind must be a bonus. It is great on a bbq.
  3. Galacticus? Right out the door?! Jeezus, they really don't want to start small with this movie, do they?
  4. Disgraceful stuff from Everton here, I think this warrants another point deduction.
  5. Today
  6. Ineson's getting a lot of that sort of work, which is great for him. Very distinctive voice. I had no idea this film was going to be set in the 1960s. That's pretty cool. There'd better be at least one direct homage to Kirby's illustrations.
  7. Fantastic Four’ Casts Ralph Ineson as Galactus (Exclusive) https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/fantastic-four-casts-ralph-ineson-as-galactus-1235893995/
  8. I've not seen the show yet (waiting for it to be done so I can do it in one or two sittings), but it sounds a bit like season 4 of Babylon 5, in that it's just in Hyper Go Mode with no fat whatsoever.
  9. I see. This is all just about you thinking you are better than everyone. Ok, well I have nothing to say to that. I would add that GRRM very much values the journey of his story. So figuring out the broad strokes or the ending is hardly the point. I actually agree he uses symbolism in key places for setting up broad strokes, it is just that the real life of the story does not come from that. It comes from his characters. So no, he is not just avoiding talking about symbolism to avoid giving away the ending: He is talking about the parts that give him joy in writing, which is his characters. if the symbolism was more of what motivated him, his discussions of the books would have a much more philosophical feel.
  10. I kind of both agree and disagree. I agree this is not all headed to an outright war of Ice vs. Fire. But when you put Ice together with fire, you get..... melted ice and snuffed fire. I think this story is ultimately headed towards a rejection of either extreme. GRRM is showing that BOTH ends of the magical spectrum have awful consequences when left unchecked. The Others show us the full zombie horror of the Ice side. Dragons are tempting as a means to fight this overwhelming horror from the North, but dragons and any other kind of blood magic bring their own kinds of horror.
  11. There are some things people can't learn any way except the hard way. You'll find out what ideology at the same time everybody else does when either GRRM completes the story or somebody like me publishes the answers to how the puzzle pieces fit together. And if I'm the only reader who has worked out GRRM's ending then god help us because I'm a borderline schizophrenic idiot. That is the trouble with the word ideology, isn't it? Yes, I also operate both in the world and in my approach to the story by mode of ideology. A battle of ideas always ultimately comes down to a question of whether an ideology is healthy or sick, functional or dysfunctional. With ASOIAF theories and ideologies alike, the only real answer to its health and functionality is contained in a measurement of how it performed at predicting the future, or in other words, who did a better job of predicting the future of the story. While predicting the present and past of the story is good enough to build out robust analytical tools, predicting the future of the story - the unpublished stuff - remains the ultimate test. Because while I may sometimes fool others or myself into believing that the thing my model of the story predicted was something I didn't notice or remember when I really did notice or remember it, no such foolery or self-foolery is possible regarding what gets published next, because neither myself nor anybody had any amount of access to those parts of the story until they were published. The only possible explanations for a prediction's accuracy at that point are that the person who made the prediction was astronomically lucky or that she had a greater understanding of the story and author than everybody else did. Well, I've spent hundreds of hours poring over lineages in this story to research my own questions and writing. I'm not dismissing lineage, I'm just not doing your work for you. I'm well aware that lineage is critical to ASOIAF analysis. This is a world where children younger than ten keep track of lines of succession and for completely selfish reasons. To us that sounds like watching paint dry, but to them it's everything because their whole world revolves around matters of inheritance. Yet out in the audience hardly anybody raises an eyebrow when you say, look at this family tree, there's a succession crisis looming. Or hey, the ruler you're cheering for is a woman and I think it's going to matter to the people of Westeros rich and poor alike that that categorically places her outside the rightful line of succession no matter what her last name and bloodline is. The tendency in the readers is to shrug it off as if ASOIAF has thus far demonstrated a greater commitment to gratifying its audience's wishes than to cause-effect integrity. Some of the things readers say in this spirit are so astonishing that one can't help but become skeptical that they read the books at all. So, I have to disagree that we disagree about the importance of lineage. We're on the same page in that regard, at the least. I do recall saying that two or three times now. The author explained why you've never heard him do that. Here: If the things and events in ASOIAF aren't meant to be symbolic, GRRM's answer makes no sense. Yes, obviously a fantasy story is massively symbolic. An a-symbolic fantasy story is a contradiction of terms. The meaning of the word fantasy is practically I Took Literal Stuff And Made Symbols Of Them. Direwolves are symbols of nature attunement, dragons are symbols of physical power, children of the forest are symbols of nature... these are basic core ASOIAF symbols all established in the first five chapters. Granted, they should be dealt with as literal in-story things to begin with, but to stop the interpretation at literal and never delve into the symbolic meanings of all the wonderful things, events and images being so artfully conveyed seems almost pointless to me. At that point the story is being consumed purely as whimsical entertainment that's interchangeable with anything else that can hold my attention and burn some time. There's no attempt to relate it to yourself and your world. Dragons may not be real, but they represent power and power is certainly real.
  12. I have watched the trailers for this film both in the theater and online, and the difference in how the trailer looks in the cinema (very nice) and my computer (very green screen) is significant. I wonder why it looks so off on my PC?
  13. I figure a thread for Furiosa will be needed soon -- out May 24th in theatres.
  14. They beat the Thunder tonight. I don’t think this series is as cut and dried as you think it is. I mean I dislike Irving too but I think they have a 50/50 shot at winning this series. Perhaps take a realistic look at the series matchups. They have the best player in the series and enough physicality to bother OKC. Also the Thunder are a really bad rebounding team which doesn’t help at all.
  15. Retiree here looking to take up some creative writing. What software is good for a newbie? Do programs do most of the formatting? Thanks
  16. I know that tho Guess he was too old and entrenched to accept anyone above him on the totem pole, especially someone with the capability to destroy him in a day or two
  17. Just caught up on the last three episodes of X Men and damn, now THAT’S how you plot an arc. I also think my enjoyment was enhanced by being entirely unfamiliar with the new big bad. Finale comes out on my birthday, nice present!
  18. Patchface is a suspect for the sabotage. It is possible the ship was carrying a plague. The boy was planted on Steffon by Targaryen loyalists and he did his job to protect the Targaryens and their Westeros from harm.
  19. All Daenerys needs are boat captains to transfer her armies across a rather narrow sea. I think Volantis will provide that service to the Mother's armies. She has no real need of a navy. The real sea battle will be fought between the Greyjoys. Asha and Euron will have an epic sea battle. Asha is the hope of the Ironborn and should come out victorious against her uncle. This is the intrafamily war within the Greyjoys. Just like Sansa and Rickon will have their fatal intrafamily war within the Stark clan for control of Winterfell. Hopefully it will forever diminish the Greyjoys and the Starks.
  20. What Bran is doing is abuse of a mentally disabled friend. Spying on friends as well. I think Bran is already cognizant that it is wrong.
  21. There were three sacrifices this time and all of them were kings' blood. Khal Drogo, Prince Rhaego, and King Viserys III. Daenerys received three dragons and became the most blessed Targaryen of all. Azor Ahai on steroids. I am very curious to see if her dragons will grow faster and stronger by comparison to what her family had in the past.
  22. Link to another fan who also thinks Bran has already done horrible acts. I am in agreement because Bran will be evil in the future. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NUKjYxJM98M
  23. Well, like I said Ross was the first set and also clearly produced the whole thing. In that way, wouldn’t surprise me if it was contrived by Ross and Brady to emphasize to the other comedians on the dais that it was off limits.
  24. I've asked Ran to suggest to GRRM an Orchids of Asshai reference in future books, but I don't expect one alas...
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