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  1. What is the best pasta shape, and why is it rigatoni? Discuss.
  2. I don't know why, but I got 3 months free Disney+ through my Tesco Clubcard app today. Not complaining, what a pleasant surprise to wake up to though
  3. https://labour.org.uk/change/labours-fiscal-plan/ There's an entire section in the manifesto on how they intend to finance their policies? I mean you can believe it or disbelieve it as you please but seems misleading to say there is a "conspiracy of silence". Or am I missing something? The manifesto itself doesn't look bad. Its not something I think is going to invigorate voters and drive them to the polls, it seems fairly "safe". But at least it seems somewhat realistic so less chance of broken promises etc.
  4. If this weirds you out but you actually do want to try, use two knives. Its a bit of a faff but if you want to do it from scratch it works. I think there's also a specific tool you can buy. I love rhubarb and with the weather in the UK a miserable sodden grey for the past couple of weeks that crumble sounds delicious. I might add a bit of ginger to the fruit mix and some ground ginger to the crumble for some added warmth
  5. I'm so excited to see the Women's gymnastics. Watched Biles recently and she's just on another level entirely. She's not as clean or steady on her landings as others but her difficulty level is so out there it doesn't matter (se her vault, she did double yurchenko, fell, and still won)
  6. If GRRM needs them to be, yes. At one point they'd have had at least another 5 years of growth and I don't think scrapping that will or should hinder the plot as GRRM envisions it. If needs be he can have them grow quicker than he's had historic dragons grow and it can be waved away as the unique circumstances of their hatching. Or someone (Martyn, Quaithe, Benerro, whoever) presents her the magic to speed growth. Point being I think they'll grow just as large as they need to.
  7. If Labour don't win in my constituency I may as well throw myself in the Tyne and get washed out to the North Sea because something has gone dramatically wrong!
  8. https://stopthetories.vote/ Stop the Tories should now have up info about your best tactical vote per postcode
  9. the biggest lie told on CVs/resumés is "proficient in Microsoft" or "Good understanding of IT"
  10. communes with the great eagles? I'll watch, but I'll go into it with a healthy dose of scepticism
  11. I'm not interested enough to continue watching but....is this a serious complaint, or a troll?
  12. I agree with this, I've got both chain cinemas and independent cinemas near me and I can get the quiet, solo experience I want from both of them. Its just knowing which screenings to book. If I'm going to see something I know is more popular and mainstream, I'll go to the local Vue. Its cheap, usually £4.99/££5.99 per ticket which is a steal, honestly, and I'll just see something outside of peak hours. Something a bit more artsy or that I'm really interested in, I'll go to the independent cinemas and the crowds there are very respectful of personal boundaries anyway because they are there for the film and love of cinema. I also "know" the bartender and the independent cinema so.... These things help
  13. That was my thought too. Sounds great on paper, but I would like to know the details and plans to implement these.
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