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  2. I think the men in the cage would very likely have been killed, or at least severely injured, without intervention. While Jaqen is a Faceless Man who seemingly knows some sort of magic to "change" his face, he is not superhuman. He was shackled, seemingly didn't have anything with which to even attempt to pick any locks, and was very quickly running out of time.
  3. I understood Big Rob the simpleton to be Robert Baratheon. As for stot, isn’t it another word for an old horse too?
  4. I hadn’t realized Wagner was struggling that badly. 1-12. Yeesh
  5. Nm i guess orlando is toast. When your second and third best players go 3/24 you’re probably not going to win many games.
  6. …Um, that’s what centuries of international law have been trying to develop. It’ll never be perfect, of course, but the institutions would have far greater teeth with legitimate buy-in from the most powerful state in the world.
  7. Thanks for mentioning this. I didn't know anything of this character or show so I read up on it. And, while I can't claim to know everything there is to know of Bernard Hill's career, after learning a bit more about Yosser Hughes and the show "Boys from the Blackstuff", I think I agree this was a great character indeed. RIP Bernard Hill.
  8. Today
  9. With Dunk the Lunk, and the stot, that's three metaphorical 'fools' who end up in the grave: stot (dialect) noun A bullock, steer A stupid, clumsy person Yeah, George doesn't just write Dunk & Egg as separate fun adventures, there's a lot of keystone symbolism in there which can be used to interpret the main series. As with dreams, there are many ways to interpret the body of ASOIAF work George has given us.
  10. Mothership was a huge Star Wars fan when I was growing up so I had a vague awareness of the OT playing in the background. And she definitely went to see PM when it came out in cinemas. The first real memories I have though were watching VHS tapes of the OT (which she'd recorded when it was playing one day). She used to say she liked those tapes because they had in-built bathroom breaks. And these must have been old because I remember the Emperor's hologram was that weird creepy thing. I never hated the sequel trilogy as much as some others on here, except the last one which was, a mess, but I do find that TFA holds up on a rewatch and is an enjoyable film. TLJ is disappointing because I can see the potential there, and I think there are some great moments, both visually and character-wise, but its ultimately a disappointment because of the writing and execution.
  11. It seems a bit unfair to blame George Lucas for a movie he had no involvement with.
  12. Gout can be real. One of my Mom's long term exes after she broke from Dad would get it-- his ankle would swell up like a cantaloup. Sometimes it'd climb all the way up to his knee. Very sore looking flesh too, angry red, yellows, broken blood vessels on his skin. He had to use crutches on his flare ups. Hope your flare ups aren't near anything like that, BFC.
  13. By limiting the movement of leaders who violate these laws. For example Putin is essentially limited to Russia. He cannot travel to a nation participating in the ICC without risking arrest. That will cost him as time passes as well as making him look weak.
  14. Keep him, play him loads, buy at least one more clinical wide forward and perhaps late-breaking midfielder to take advantage of his otherwise good, potentially-excellent all-round game I mean he's still a fucking moron but I don't love seeing us play against him.
  15. How do you intend to do this when you don't have any power over the people who flagrantly break the law? The most you can do is put limits on what can be done by yourself and your allies -- there is some argument for doing this, but as we have seen over and over again, such limits will be exploited by enemies who don't share your values (e.g. if you put limits on attacking civilians, the enemy will deliberately intermingle military infrastructure with civilians so your army's job becomes a lot harder and the civilians die anyway).
  16. Yeah, Cavs offense looking like complete shit.
  17. So, what did u guys think of the Nunez chance? An intelligent forward goes round the keeper and taps in for an easy goal. What are we going to do with him?
  18. Orlando up big on Cleveland. I think they have a better shot at upsetting Boston so I’m rooting for the Magic here.
  19. With Bariss it felt like we went from step A, to B, to D. It honestly feels like there's a missing peace in her story.
  20. Janny Wurts update (from Edelweiss catalog):
  21. Or course, good night to you. Wishing you a restful sleep and pleasant dreams
  22. Got it. The onyx dragon piece Doran picked up and delivered his epic line with? Loved this part so much.
  23. Gotta turn in for bed now. You'll prolly have it on the next guess, but I'll have to keep you in suspense!
  24. 15. Hmm, I'm gonna say you're almost there. I had in mind the set Doran put in the room Arianne was locked in, but it's probably the same set! Now, which piece am I thinking of??
  25. It's flared up where I already have arthritis and am waiting for an op, so not sure if it's linked or not.
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