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  2. Wait the guy dressed as a Kingsguard is Alyn? uhm
  3. I think it just lands behind him, I guess as some "portent" (probably staged) that whatever he's talking about is correct
  4. I think you’re going to have to come to terms with this being a different continuity. It’s not early, this is just when it shows up in this version. This much, much shitter version.
  5. I don't know anything about this story but considering how badly Clone Emperor was received this sounds like a bad idea...
  6. You absolutely can. Just look at Baker or Geno's deals. Paying a dude like he's an elite QB when really on a good day he's top 10ish at best is a bad way to build a championship roster.
  7. I’m assuming they’re not in it save for whatshername who went off with gandalf
  8. I just took a (quick) look at Morning Consult, and their most recent polls claims to have 10000 RV responders. So their need to adjust for demographics is less than other pollsters. Regarding vote-splitting, a poll is a snapshot in time for now, and a barometer of how people are feeling, so it is entirely possible folks are hypothetically vote splitting right now, but wont come election day. In which case we'll see movement in the polls too.
  9. If Biden loses there is no doubt there will be post-election trouble, as They come breaking down our doors and shooting off all Their gunz. This is what They are waiting for. We will all have a better chance of survival if They lose.
  10. Since he's got gag orders, and the crowds that support him wherever else are not here to support him here, he has summoned his longest tongued spokesmouths to say what he cannot say or else go to jail: Bergum, Johnson, Vance, etc. They harangue the press in the small city park across from the state court building. ~~~~~~~~~~~ We have all heard of, perhaps been accused of "virtue signaling," right? Well the fascists have their own version, "cruelty signaling", this passing out of fake money to the homeless, shooting puppies, etc. Proving they are ugly enough to be the VP pick for the stinkin' wallowing heap. Always keep in mind, cruelty is the point. MICHELLE GOLDBERG Killing Dogs. Taunting the Homeless. Praising Al Capone. This Is Trump’s Party. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/opinion/kristi-noem-vice-signaling-maga.html
  11. This morning we received an email from a journalist who is based in San Francisco, who had gone with his wife to Georgia "for the wine and food." The apartment they rented for a few weeks is located right in the middle of where the protests are going on. He says he has never been in any situation with that many protesters and that many police. It's all very very very loud and terrifying. They are fairly stuck, at least for now. They wish they were home.
  12. Trailer for a trailer. I remember way back when they started having trailers for trailers (probably later than 2003. Old man memory).
  13. Totally this. In terms of lifestyle he is as far removed from yelzin or your average russian male as you possibly can. No alcohol, no tobacco, healthy diet, regular sport activities, good doctors and healthcare... Obviously you can still die very early despite all this, especially if you have some serious genetic risk... but we simply don't know that... While I agree with a lot of your statement, this particular comparison makes very little sense. The war was over long before the question of Hitlers succession became a thing. The Nazis were overthrown by the allies of WW2, even if Himmler or Goering or Goebbels or Bormann or whoever else would have succeeded Hitler (instead of Dönitz) in 1945, they would have been immediately arrested/imprisoned and executed by the allies (if they didn't commit suicide even before that). They held no power other than a few isolated pockets that were not yet liberated. So they couldn't change Nazi policy in any significant way even if they wanted to. Putin will never be in the situation Hitler was in during the final stages of WW2, no Ukrainian army will take Moscow or all of Russia. And still it took, another 32-38 years until communism was abandoned and the Soviet Union / Warsaw Pact / COMECON collapsed. And Chruschevs own successor Brezhnev made Stalinism great again (to use a more recent slogan ;)... Putins inner circle seems to share a lot of values/ideology(russian nationalism etc.), it will be hard for them to do a 180 (not impossible obviously)...
  14. Quite Hollywood Babylon in any and all of the iterations I've seen and read of Hollywood Babylon over the decades since Hollywood has existed -- the HBs always have decadent Rome scenes, in one way and another.
  15. Yesterday we lost the legendary Alice Munro. RIP
  16. Did anyone see Harfoots in the trailer? If they were there I missed them. The trailer itself to me appeared incoherent. But then I was fairly certain that season 1 would be unwatchable for me, and that turned out quite differently -- though not for most of those here. BTW, to what does this comment refer? "So 2003"
  17. Today
  18. While I enjoyed the Zahn trilogy I found they weren’t the most rereadable and have rarely gone back to them.
  19. It is entirely unrealistic to think that level of ticket splitting could still happen in 2024. Especially a Trump/Senate Democrats split (which the NYT found) instead of a Third Party or Blank/Senate Democrat split. And if we're talking about the NYT poll specifically, their "likely voter model" has 20% of their voters either not voted in the last two midterms, not voted in the last general election, or never voted before. Which, by any reasonable definition, would not make them "likely" voters. Meanwhile, 34% (!) of their registered voters didn't vote in 2020; which also seems very unrealistic. To me, these numbers reinforce that NYT simply isn't getting representative samples without getting dangerously funky in their methodologies.
  20. We talk a pretty advanced society here, one who apparently has the tech to harvest 'fuel' by crushing planets ... yet you want to believe they are too dumb to, you know, perhaps assume the planets they are crushing are inhabited by creatures like they themselves are? We are not talking about them killing lifeforms they didn't give a damn about but entire planets which could, as they themselves live(d) on a planet, could include all kinds of species similar to themselves. That is just nonsense. If they had portrayed the aliens as beings who just didn't care about 'lesser beings' the plot could have worked to a point ... but they were portrayed as morons who didn't know what their tech did. Once they knew they immediately agreed to stop, find alternatives, etc. That was silly. I do expect the writers of an SF show to think before they write and to try to create believable scenarios. God tech means that is on the table. There could be devices there to destroy all humanoid life, for instance. That we just saw a potential future of crushed ships doesn't mean galactic annihilation is not on the table.
  21. Eh no! It was fone for its time but is massively flawed. Cloned jedi, cloned Luke, ysalamiri (sp), Thrawn commanded too few ships, Zahn basically had his own smuggler and force sensitive to donthe heavy lifting instead of Luke and Han.
  22. Doesn't strike me as a huge surprise as the two girls must do more than being absent or under the thumb of a fat castellan who shouldn't boss around royal dragonriders in any case. In the book both Baela and especially Rhaena were wasted characters (until we get to the Regency era) and the show can't repeat that with older girls. Baela can fly back and forth from Dragonstone to Harrenhal, just as Daemon can. It would also not surprise me if we were to see Aegon the Younger as Daemon's squire/page in season 3 or 4 (depending how long he is going to last in the show) as the fact that Daemon and Rhaenyra actually had two sons together should be something Daemon actually cares about. Even more so after Jace and Luke are gone. That would be really weird as there is no indication that Sheepstealer should or would be in the Vale. Of course, Rhaena just leaving the island for the Vale and allowing bastard scum to claim dragons left and right while she already coveted a dragon as early the sixth and seventh episode of season 1 makes little to no sense at all. The smart way to go would have been to move things around and have Rhaena claim the Grey Ghost rather than having him die a pointless death, so she can have a dragon who can die in the Storming of the Dragonpit, during a fighting/attack in the Vale, or even at Tumbleton ... before she eventually gets Morning in the end. But merging Rhaena with Nettles makes literally no sense. On the other side, though, giving Daemon/Rhaenyra/Mysaria the Nettles plot from the book would be a hard sell indeed as this would have to be changed and reworked to the point that it had nothing to do with the source material anyway ... as the jealousy angle would make no sense for either woman there, nor would Daemon throwing away his life to kill Aemond while his wife, son(s), daughters, and lover(s) are still out there. And the chance that this show is ever going to portray Rhaenyra as the raving, bastards-hating lunatic calling for Nettles' head is about zero ... and for good reason, as his is certainly the worst part of FaB.
  23. I'm sure there are big problems with pollsters finding it harder to get representative samples, but I'm not sure the above paragraph is indicative of this because the very same NYT poll did find Lake (as well as Republican US Senate challengers in other states) losing, running considerably behind Trump in their states. I think there are a lot of young people out there who are really mad at Biden because of inflation, housing, and/or Gaza, but who are not about to vote for a Republican for the Senate because of other issues. Hopefully they will realize by November that Trump would be much worse than Biden on the issues they are angry about. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/politics/democrats-senate-battleground-poll.html
  24. I really like this. Fucking claret all over the shop.
  25. This season already looks fantastic. This looks far better than GOT ever did, the dragons specially
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