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How Come Robert Didn't cut Himself on the Iron Throne?

Corvo the Crow

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A serious question, Joffrey simply brushes against a part of it and is easily cut, how come a man like Robert is still alive after so many years? He was quite a big man to begin with and after becoming king he became huge with all that fat. He should've cut himself on the throne on a daily basis.



Joffrey lurched to his feet. "I'm king! Kill him! Kill him now! I command it." He chopped down with his hand, a furious, angry gesture . . . and screeched in pain when his arm brushed against one of the sharp metal fangs that surrounded him. The bright crimson samite of his sleeve turned a darker shade of red as his blood soaked through it. "Mother!" he wailed.

With every eye on the king, somehow the man on the floor wrested a spear away from one of the gold cloaks, and used it to push himself back to his feet. "The throne denies him!" he cried. "He is no king!"


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2 minutes ago, sweetsunray said:

He rarely seemed to actually sit on the IT. We never see him do so in aGoT, and I suspect that he had Jon Arryn listen to complaints while going hunting, just like he does with Ned.

But that's a decade and a half after he became king. He must've spent some time on the throne when he first became king and even if he wasn't fat back then he's still a big man.

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3 minutes ago, Corvo the Crow said:

But that's a decade and a half after he became king. He must've spent some time on the throne when he first became king and even if he wasn't fat back then he's still a big man.

I'm implying that what we see a decade and a half later is not that different from the past at all. Robert always let Jon Arryn handle day to day ruling.

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12 hours ago, Corvo the Crow said:

A serious question, Joffrey simply brushes against a part of it and is easily cut, how come a man like Robert is still alive after so many years? He was quite a big man to begin with and after becoming king he became huge with all that fat. He should've cut himself on the throne on a daily basis.

I assume that IT loves kings like Aegon IV. After all he ruled 7 kingdoms about 12 years though he was even worse ruler that Bobby.

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13 hours ago, sweetsunray said:

He rarely seemed to actually sit on the IT. We never see him do so in aGoT, and I suspect that he had Jon Arryn listen to complaints while going hunting, just like he does with Ned.

He sure sit on the IT, during the year Ned spends as King, he only sits on the Throne and holds audience once, when Robert is alive, that means despite all his laziness, he was the one there during the audiences, which also matches with his hatred of doing it.  He did leave the small council to his Hands tho.

Why he doesn't cut himself on the throne is a mystery indeed but I bet it's simply because Martin hadn't seriously considered as more than a passing quirk in Agot.

Edited by frenin
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13 hours ago, Craving Peaches said:

Simple: Throne finds him worthy.

Considering the fact that it was forged by a mass murdering, sister fucking (doubly so considering he had two sister wives) abomination of incest and has been passed down from one inbred to another for near 300 years worth of generations, even Robert would be an improvement.

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Because that's a silly superstition? What's the chair's criteria for deciding if a ruler is worthy or not anyway?

I dunno, if there's something left in animal skulls as Bloodraven and his pals suggest then it could be that there's something left in those dragon skulls too... could they influence the interactions between the king and the throne? Maybe Robert wasn't cut (one would have to think that if it's the dragon skulls behind the cutting they would want to cut the usurper) because he got them out of the throne room?

I don't see it myself, I think there's a bit of inevitability in play when you're sitting on a chair made of swords. Robert probably just didn't sit the throne that much, or any cuts he did sustain were minor and he kept them to himself knowing how all of his lords an nobles would be reduced to old wives by the power of their superstition and the sight of blood.

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20 hours ago, sweetsunray said:

He rarely seemed to actually sit on the IT. We never see him do so in aGoT, and I suspect that he had Jon Arryn listen to complaints while going hunting, just like he does with Ned.

He says he has though...

I sit on that damnable iron chair and listen to them complain until my mind is numb and my ass is raw. 

20 hours ago, Craving Peaches said:

Simple: Throne finds him worthy.

I'm inclined to agree.

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9 hours ago, frenin said:

He sure sit on the IT, during the year Ned spends as King, he only sits on the Throne and holds audience once, when Robert is alive, that means despite all his laziness, he was the one there during the audiences, which also matches with his hatred of doing it.  He did leave the small council to his Hands tho.

Were there any audiences before the one we witness with Ned? The Small council and a Hand would attend these along with the King on the IT, right? And yet, nothing in Ned's story suggests they did this between arriving at KL and the council where Ned has to make decisions with regards to the Mountain attacking the RL. And even when notified, Robert isn't in a hurry to return.

Yes, Robert would have sat on the IT once in a while, but all points to him finding excuses and excursions to not being at the Red Keep to do this regularly.

We witness him sit as a judge once, at Darry's interrogating a 9 year old and trying to settle it asap and have fun again, and judging Lady must be killed to settle Cersei's nagging.

Note: people seem to read my comment as me claiming Robert "never" sat the IT. I did not make such a claim. I used "rarely".

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On 7/4/2023 at 6:48 PM, sweetsunray said:

We never see him do so in aGoT,

That's crazy! 

Who do we see sit on it?

Ned, as he sends out Beric and he's extremely uncomfortable, although this is doubtless because of the one leg. I think he needed help to get up there?

Tyrion as hes on open mic roasting the NW, very comfortable iirc kinda lounging. Didn't need help? This i think it the only time he was on it and it's the same time he punked Cleos Frey?

Joffrey? Tywin? Tommen? (There's the memory of regal Tywin on the IT, but no mention of his comfort only suitability)


Joff definitely after BW cuz he cut himself after one of Stannis' knights made fun of him. Was that the only time?

Edited by Hugorfonics
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