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  2. It's taken me eight years to jump on the train to Westworld for a fortnight of sex, boozing, and real life Red Dead Redemption, and goddamn it was a blast! There were times I felt like I had the spins trying to keep up with who is actually who, and when were they this person, and who are they now, and who will they be, and where's the maze, and shit like that, but overall I enjoyed the first season (Think the Nolan bros ever took shrooms and talked about time once or twice?) Big question is do I keep watching? Seems like the consensus is great first season but falls off afterwards and then they get the rug pulled out from under them with the sudden show cancellation after season 4. Sadly the show was removed from Max about a year or so ago so I paid to watch the first season on Prime like a sucker. Do I want to keep watching? Yes. Do I want to keep paying to watch? Not really, but I will.
  3. That makes me thing - Mass effect trilogy vs BG3 , which one would you guys rate as the better game ? I grew up on ME so lots of nostalgia there but also companion and story wise I think I prefer ME. Gameplay wise BG3 is better for me but overall since I prefer narrative over gameplay I’ll still give it to the ME trilogy. And no, I don’t mind its ending.
  4. This is based on current polling results, if an election was held in Israel now. Things could change by 2026, and it's possible that Netanyahu could win reelection again. Maybe he would need to form a different coalition, but who knows.
  5. For about twenty years now, Mick Jagger's big, red, rubbery lips have adorned the wall space at the top of my bed. So I thought it was time for a change. This is the only religious artefact in my possession. Maggie seems to approve. She is Irish, after all.
  6. I’d rank ST as: TFA>TLJ>ROS Theyre all bad but atleast TFA largely works as a self contained movie, mainly cause it rips off a much better movie and resets the galaxy back to square one to reduce any difficulties in setting up the movie at the cost of coherent world building. @sifth my friend and I had that experience with ROS. We couldn’t believe what was happening in it.
  7. 1. It is a non-living thing. 2. It is NOT made of inorganic materials (including stone, minerals, glass, dragonglass, gemstones, metals, ceramics, etc). 3. Is it NOT an artificial object
  8. I think I’m going to do some Alice Munro re-reads. RIP to a great Canadian writer.
  9. You mean this regulator? Ofwat accused of cover-up over dinners with water companies
  10. Today
  11. You guys really should read up on the Walkerton Ontario water supply contamination scandal to see what shit in water can do. People died.
  12. This man along with Thomas need to be thrown off the court. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/justice-alito-upside-down-flag.html
  13. Yesterday
  14. But as the Israeli State of Mind article states -- "this is the war Israelis want to have." So why would they kick these people out?
  15. Not sure if this has already been shared, but here is a convenient hub for Americans who want to do something to keep Trump from returning to power: https://votesaveamerica.com/ Donate your time to canvassing or phone banking, or donate money to key races, or some combination! Your one vote is appreciated, but it can't just can't compare to systematic social influence. Let's be proactive!
  16. Perhaps DV meant a black light sun, ie. UV. He is Quebecois after all, could be he was not sure of the English words. Filming in UV would have looked terrible, most likely, so they used an IR camera. I posted a video the other day about the specifics on the technical aspects of the camera. In short, normally the camera they used would remove IR from the light going into the aperture, they removed the IR filter and added a filter that removed visible light (if I understand correctly). Actually I'm pretty sure I didn't understand the explanation, but maybe someone else can watch the video and figure it out.
  17. Ohh these books only get more and more fantastical the longer they go on. I'm just imagining them trying to adapt the 4th book in this series, lol
  18. From the article that @Rhom linked. This is true, but did Villeneuve forget that Arrakis's ecosystem was created by humans? Arrakis wasn't always a desert world. And the same can be said about Geidi Prime. So it's also about how humans can affect their environment. @Ser Scot A Ellison I think if Villeneuve had said that the sunlight was filtered in such a way because of the planet's toxicity it would have been more believable. And maybe make the sun a different class, a blue giant for example. Btw, when I google 'black sun' the first result is that was one of the symbols Nazis used, and still do. So there's that. Maybe that served as inspiration, too.
  19. I mean speak for yourselves, but I honestly liked TLJ and TFA, but not for reasons you'd think. Me and my friends enjoy watching bad movies together and just laughing our way through them. I view most of the Disney films as these type of movies. The greatest of these nights is when we watched the Holiday Special together; now that was a crazy night.
  20. What is more concerning is the outsized influence Ben-Gvir and Smotrich have on Netanyahu and his coalition. Netanyahu’s coalition will collapse if either leaves, I believe, and certainly if both leave. Each time they have publicly threatened to leave the coalition if Netanyahu didn’t give them what they wanted, Netanyahu has taken a course of action in line with their demands. It may take until 2026 before they all can be kicked out.
  21. I thought Last Jedi was terrible before I left the theatre on my initial watch. But I do love space combat and have many book series on the subject so that part of the movie ruined it for me along with the stuff on Luke’s planet and the pointless cantina stuff.
  22. The first show (and tie-in book) was Around the World in 80 Days with Michael Palin, in which he tries to recreate Phileas Fogg's journey (and isn't allowed to use aircraft because Fogg couldn't use them). Pole to Pole was the follow-up. I think it did kickstart that genre of television, it does sometimes feel every British comedian gets their own travel show although I don't think they tend to live up to Palin.
  23. Not really, I think it just means they won't gut this funding mechanism, but it is good news for consumers. I don't think they are done attacking the EPA. And for example there is a crazy case where they want to ban the use of Administrative law judges in federal agencies.
  24. Family Guy’s Empire parody does a good job lampooning the laboriousness of the Luke/Yoda on Dagobah sequence. Can’t find a clip on this, but my favorite quote is right before Luke “encounters” Vader then sees himself - Also, this:
  25. You mean the second climax of the film? While I rather like that scene, I'd probably have liked it a lot more if the movie didn't already have a climax. That's the biggest problem with TLJ, the pacing is horrible. You could easily trim a half hour off the film, without missing a beat.
  26. truly the most frustrating. I get thru have deadlines to meet to get their coin and tips but they truly have no consideration for anyone else, hopping without warning from road to pavement, not even attempting to pull to one side to make room for pedestrians on the pavement. We've got ongoing works on the Tyne bridge and a sign outright saying Cyclists give way to pedestrians and not a lick of notice is paid to it
  27. No, their problem last year was they sent a team with a few young stars and a lot of bums because nobody gives a shit about FIBA. This time they'll likely have at least four of the five best players on the court at any given point.
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