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X (née Twitter): Elmo has no good ideas


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Doing his best to become an ex-Billionaire, with an old, old, old *new* idea that will be just the ticket. To bankruptcy. There is no better current use case for why billionaires should be taxed out of billions. He's destroyed enormous value and livelihood for himself, investors, employees, etc. and he's still worth billions.

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At least Bezos mostly gets me the shit I ordered in a few days, sometimes overnight. Elon would make me wait six months for new towels. But yeah, fuck all billionaires. There should be a 99% tax on anything anyone has over that threshold because they're never going to spend it anyways and you only need a few mansions and one super yacht. 

Also, it's funny he wouldn't listen to people telling him the rebranding choice was a bad idea. He named one of his kids X and tried to put numbers in the kiddo's name. That alone should have gotten the state to take away all his kids and have him committed. 

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22 minutes ago, Zorral said:

Isn't 'X' a swastika dog whistle?

I don't know about that but this morning I saw a tweet with a photo of the confederate flag as the 'X'.  Seemed legit.  

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So, the lady personage that is now not twitter includes banking in what the not twitter is going to provide ....

As Someone Not Me wrote elsewhere in response to this:


Banking? From the people who can’t competently operate the microblogging website they took over? I would rather give my money to a guy working out of the back of his truck wearing a “Federal Breast Inspector” t-shirt than Elon Musk.


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